[pypy-svn] r3306 - pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Tue Mar 23 02:14:08 CET 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Tue Mar 23 02:14:06 2004
New Revision: 3306

a draft of notes complementary to the notes from 
the EU commission project officers. 

Added: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/negotiation_notes-1.txt
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/funding/negotiations/negotiation_notes-1.txt	Tue Mar 23 02:14:06 2004
@@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
+Additional Notes from the negotation meeting on 16th of March 
+These are revised selected notes complementing Mr. van Rooys notes from 
+the negotiating meeting at 16th of March 2004. He is expected to
+only select a subset of this notes and integrate it into his notes. 
+- Laura Crughton -> Laura Creighton 
+- beyond-state-of-the-art: Commission staff asked for clarification
+  regarding the first phase of the project, "reaching state of the art".
+  Members of the consortium acknowledged that the title is misleading as
+  the first phase already implements a research tool which goes well
+  beyond state of the art.  It already is to provide a uniquely modular
+  and flexible very high level interpreter (VHLL) architecture
+  translated into a low level language yet maintaining compatibility
+  with an industrial strength language.  
+- multithreading: Clarifications were requested from the commission
+  staff regarding the goals of multithreading and massive parallelism.
+  Members of the consortium refered to complicated issues in current
+  language implementations such as Java, Perl and Python itself.  All
+  such industrial strength language implementations usually decide early
+  on a specific threading model.  The PyPy project aims at providing a
+  way to allow making this decision much later and indepdently from
+  other aspects. Moreover, massive parallelism with millions of threads
+  are to become both practical and easy to program. Today, this is
+  not the case with practical languages. 
+- tests: The PyPy projects intends to measure compliancy with the
+  C-implementation of Python by passing a multitude of tests.  However,
+  it is not sufficiently clear which categories of tests are to be
+  selected from the current C-implementation.  Members of the consortium
+  clarify that all tests (functional or unit) of the language
+  specification are to be passed while implementation details might be
+  left out.  In a case of doubt the original Python developers will be
+  consulted. 
+- AOP & logic programming: The commission staff requests clarifications
+  and a better explanation of the work packages on aspect oriented and
+  logic programming.  Small Examples of what is to be achieved should be
+  given. 
+- broader dissemination: The commission staff remarked that the current
+  DoW does not include dissemination to organizations and people outside
+  the python communities.  The consortium intends to do workshops for
+  outside communities but this is currently not reflected in the list of
+  tasks and deliverables.  Action: define tasks and deliverables
+  regarding dissemination to non-python communities. 
+- F/OSS licenses: The consortium intends to release all source code
+  under the MIT license. The commision staff remarked that this open
+  license doesn't offer the same level of protection as the General
+  public license (GPL).  The consortium declared that it is working
+  closely with communities where BSD style licenses are common and that
+  using the GPL would alienate many contributors. Moreover, businesses
+  with interests in the PyPy project want to be able to freely use the
+  code base in commercial projects. 
+- "users": There is some confusion regarding the definition of "the
+  user".  The so called end user of the PyPy project is an implementor
+  adapting it to domain specific environments.  Moreover, other
+  researchers are likely to be users as well because the PyPy
+  implementation will support research and educational activities.  The
+  line between such users and contributors is set up to be easy to
+  cross. However, end users of applications running on top of a PyPy
+  variant will usually not know about this fact.  

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