[pypy-svn] r5392 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Tue Jun 29 19:06:01 CEST 2004

Author: arigo
Date: Tue Jun 29 19:05:59 2004
New Revision: 5392

Killed commented-out lines in trivial.py.

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/trivial.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/trivial.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/trivial.py	Tue Jun 29 19:05:59 2004
@@ -208,7 +208,7 @@
                         return space.set(w_descr, w_obj, w_value)
                     def fdel(w_obj, descr=descr, space=self):
                         w_descr = space.wrap(descr)
-                        return space.set(w_descr, w_obj)
+                        return space.delete(w_descr, w_obj)
                     descrdict[descrname] = property(fget, fset, fdel)
             cls = type('CPyWrapped '+typedef.name, bases, descrdict)
             typedef.trivialwrapperclass = cls
@@ -302,119 +302,6 @@
             return DescrOperation.iter(self, w_obj)
-#    for _name in ('id', 'type', 'iter', 'repr', 'str', 'len',
-#                  'pow', 'divmod', 'hash', 'setattr', 'delattr', 'hex',
-#                  'oct', 'ord', 'getattr'):
-#        _auto(_name, _name, locals())
-    #for _name in ('pos', 'neg', 'not_', 'abs', 'invert',
-    #              'mul', 'truediv', 'floordiv', 'div', 'mod',
-    #              'add', 'sub', 'lshift', 'rshift', 'and_', 'xor', 'or_',
-    #              'lt', 'le', 'eq', 'ne', 'gt', 'ge', 'contains'):
-    #    _auto(_name, 'operator.' + _name, locals())
-    # in-place operators
-    #def inplace_pow(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 **= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_mul(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 *= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_truediv(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 /= w2  # XXX depends on compiler flags
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_floordiv(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 //= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_div(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 /= w2  # XXX depends on compiler flags
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_mod(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 %= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_add(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 += w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_sub(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 -= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_lshift(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 <<= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_rshift(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 >>= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_and(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 &= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_or(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 |= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    #def inplace_xor(self, w1, w2):
-    #    w1 ^= w2
-    #    return self.wrap(w1)
-    # slicing
-    def old_slice(self, index):
-        # return the (start, stop) indices of the slice, or None
-        # if the w_index is not a slice or a slice with a step
-        # this is no longer useful in Python 2.3
-        if isinstance(index, types.SliceType):
-            if index.step is None or index.step == 1:
-                start, stop = index.start, index.stop
-                if start is None: start = 0
-                if stop  is None: stop  = sys.maxint
-                return start, stop
-        return None
-##    def getitem(self, w_obj, w_index):
-##        obj = self.unwrap(w_obj)
-##        index = self.unwrap(w_index)
-##        sindex = self.old_slice(index)
-##        try:
-##            if sindex is None:
-##                return self.wrap(obj[index])
-##            else:
-##                return self.wrap(operator.getslice(obj, sindex[0], sindex[1]))
-##        except:
-##            self.reraise()
-##    def setitem(self, w_obj, w_index, w_value):
-##        obj = self.unwrap(w_obj)
-##        index = self.unwrap(w_index)
-##        value = self.unwrap(w_value)
-##        sindex = self.old_slice(index)
-##        try:
-##            if sindex is None:
-##                obj[index] = value
-##            else:
-##                operator.setslice(obj, sindex[0], sindex[1], value)
-##        except:
-##            self.reraise()
-##    def delitem(self, w_obj, w_index):
-##        obj = self.unwrap(w_obj)
-##        index = self.unwrap(w_index)
-##        sindex = self.old_slice(index)
-##        try:
-##            if sindex is None:
-##                del obj[index]
-##            else:
-##                operator.delslice(obj, sindex[0], sindex[1])
-##        except:
-##            self.reraise()
-    # misc
-    #def next(self, w):
-    #    if hasattr(w, 'pypy_next'):
-    #        return w.pypy_next()
-    #    try:
-    #        return self.wrap(w.next())
-    #    except StopIteration:
-    #        raise NoValue
     def newstring(self, asciilist):
             return ''.join([chr(ascii) for ascii in asciilist])
@@ -427,65 +314,6 @@
-    #def call(self, callable, args, kwds):
-    #    if isinstance(callable, types.ClassType):
-    #        import new
-    #        try:
-    #            r = new.instance(callable)
-    #        except:
-    #            self.reraise()
-    #        if hasattr(r, '__init__'):
-    #            self.call(r.__init__, args, kwds)
-    #        return self.wrap(r)
-    #    #if (isinstance(callable, types.MethodType)
-        #    and callable.im_self is not None):
-        #    args = (callable.im_self,) + args
-        #    callable = callable.im_func
-    #    assert not isinstance(callable, gateway.Gateway), (
-    #        "trivial object space is detecting an object that has not "
-    #        "been wrapped")
-    #    if hasattr(callable, 'pypy_call'):
-    #        return callable.pypy_call(args, kwds)
-    #    try:
-    #        return self.wrap(callable(*args, **(kwds or {})))
-    #    except OperationError:
-    #        raise
-    #    except:
-    #        #print "got exception in", callable.__name__
-    #        #print "len args", len(args)
-    #        #print "kwds", kwds
-    #        self.reraise()
-    #            
-    #def get(self, descr, ob, cls):
-    #    try:
-    #        return self.wrap(descr.__get__(ob, cls))
-    #    except:
-    #        self.reraise()
-    def new(self, type, args, kw):
-        return self.wrap(type(args, kw))
-    def init(self, type, args, kw):
-        pass
-    #def set(self, descr, ob, val):
-    #    descr.__set__(ob, val)
-    #def delete(self, descr, ob):
-    #    descr.__delete__(ob)
-    #def nonzero(self, ob):
-    #    return not not ob
-    #def float(self, ob):
-    #    return float(ob)
-    #def int(self, ob):
-    #    return int(ob)
-    #def round(self, *args):
-    #    return round(*args)
     def lookup(space, w_obj, name):
         assert not isinstance(w_obj, BaseWrappable)
         if isinstance(w_obj, CPyWrapper):

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