[pypy-svn] r5168 - pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Sat Jun 19 15:59:39 CEST 2004

Author: lac
Date: Sat Jun 19 15:59:38 2004
New Revision: 5168

Most of the special cases handled now.  Still working on it.

Modified: pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool/tiny.py
--- pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool/tiny.py	(original)
+++ pypy/branch/src-new-utest/pypy/tool/tiny.py	Sat Jun 19 15:59:38 2004
@@ -1,5 +1,6 @@
 import re
 import unittest
+import parser
 #  d is the dictionary of unittest changes, keyed to the old name
@@ -7,6 +8,7 @@
 #  d['change type'] is one of the following functions
 #           namechange_only   e.g.  assertRaises  becomes raises 
 #           strip_parens      e.g.  assert_(expr) becomes assert expr
+#           fail_special      e.g.  fail() becomes raise AssertionError
 #           comma to op       e.g.  assertEquals(l, r) becomes assert l == r
 #           rounding          e.g.  assertAlmostEqual(l, r) becomes
 #                                     assert round(l - r, 7) == 0
@@ -15,11 +17,95 @@
 # First define the functions you want to dispatch
 def namechange_only(old, new, block):
+    # dictionary dispatch function.
     # this is the simplest of changes.
     return re.sub('self.'+old, new, block)
 def strip_parens(old, new, block):
+    # dictionary dispatch function.
+    pat = re.search(r'^(\s*)', block)
+    indent = pat.group()
+    pat = re.search('self.' + old + r'\(', block)
+    rest = block[pat.end():]
+    expr, trailer = get_expr(rest, ')')
+    try:
+        parser.expr(expr) # the parens came off easily
+        return indent + new + ' ' + expr + trailer
+    except SyntaxError:
+        # now we have to go to work.  It would be nice if we could
+        # just keep the parens, since the original author probably
+        # used them to group things nicely in a complicated multi-line
+        # expression.
+        #
+        # There is one hitch.
+        #
+        # self.assertx_(0, string) prints the string, as does
+        # assert 0, string .  But not only does assert(0, string) not
+        # print the string, it also doesn't print the AssertionError
+        # either.  So nothing for it, we have to paste continuation
+        # backslashes on our multiline constructs.
+        try:
+            realexpr, s = get_expr(expr, ',')
+            # aha. we found an expr followed by a ', something_else'
+            # we should probably test to make sure that something_else
+            # is a string, and not, say, another expr.  But the whole
+            # question of what to do when your input is bogus requires
+            # more thought than I want to do at this hour ...
+            # Given that assert 0, range(10) is legal, and prints
+            # AssertionError: [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9], is it
+            # even true that s has to be a string?
+            expr_w_slash = re.sub(r'\n', r'\\\n', realexpr)
+            if s[0] == '\n':  # that needs a slash too ...
+                return indent + new + ' ' + expr_w_slash + ',\\' + s + trailer
+            else:
+                return indent + new + ' ' + expr_w_slash + ',' + s + trailer
+        except SyntaxError:
+            # we couldn't find a 'expr, string' so it is
+            # probably just a regular old multiline expression
+            # t.ex. self.assertx(0
+            #                    +f(x)
+            #                    +g(x))
+            expr_w_slash = re.sub(r'\n', r'\\\n', expr)
+            return indent + new + ' ' +  expr_w_slash + trailer
+def fail_special(old, new, block):
+    # dictionary dispatch function.
+    # while assert_() is  an error, fail() and
+    # fail('message') are just fine.
     return re.sub('self.'+old, new, block)
+def get_expr(s, char):
+    # read from the beginning of the string until you get an expression.
+    # return it, and the stuff left over, minus the char you separated on
+    pos = pos_finder(s, char)
+    for p in pos:
+        try:
+            parser.expr('(' + s[:p] + ')')
+            return s[:p], s[p+1:]
+        except SyntaxError: # It's not an expression yet
+            pass
+    raise SyntaxError       # We never found anything that worked.
+def pos_finder(s, char=','):
+    # returns the list of string positions where the char 'char' was found
+    pos=[]
+    for i in range(len(s)):
+        if s[i] == char:
+            pos.append(i)
+    return pos
@@ -35,11 +121,19 @@
                 'change type': strip_parens,
                 'op': None}
+d['failUnless'] = d['assert_']
+d['failIf'] = {'new': 'assert not',
+               'change type': fail_special,
+               'op': None}
+d['fail'] = {'old': 'fail',
+             'new': 'raise AssertionError ',
+             'change type': strip_parens,
+             'op': None}
-d['failUnless'] = {'old':'failUnless',
-                   'new': 'assert',
-                   'change type': 'strip_parens',
-                   'op': None}
 d['failUnlessEqual'] = {'old': 'failUnlessEqual',
                         'new': 'assert not',
@@ -82,16 +176,6 @@
                         'comma to op',
                         'op': '!='}
-d['failIf'] = {'old': 'failIf',
-               'new': 'assert not',
-               'change type': 'strip_parens',
-               'op': None}
-d['fail'] = {'old': 'fail',
-             'new': 'raise AssertionError ',
-             'change type': 'strip_parens',
-             'op': None}
 d['assertEqual'] = {'old': 'assertEqual',
                     'new': 'assert',
                     'change type': 'comma to op',
@@ -136,18 +220,34 @@
     return blocklist
 def process_block(s):
-    #print 'found the block ', block
     f = old_names.match(s)
     if f:
         key = f.group(0).lstrip()[5:-1]  # '\tself.blah(' -> 'blah'
+        # now do the dictionary dispatch.
         return d[key]['change type'](key, d[key]['new'], s)
         return s
+def which_comma(tuplelist):
+    import parser
+    # make the python parser do the hard work of deciding which comma
+    # splits the string into two expressions
+    for l, r in tuplelist:
+        try:
+            parser.expr(l + ')')
+            parser.expr('(' + r)
+            return l , r    # Great!  Both sides are expressions!
+        except SyntaxError: # It wasn't that comma
+            pass
+    raise SyntaxError       # We never found anything that worked.
 class Testit(unittest.TestCase):
     def test(self):
         self.assertEquals(process_block("badger badger badger"),
-                                        "badger badger badger")
+                          "badger badger badger")
             "self.assertRaises(excClass, callableObj, *args, **kwargs)"
@@ -157,11 +257,11 @@
-            self.assertRaises(TypeError, func, 42, {'arg1': 23})
+            self.failUnlessRaises(TypeError, func, 42, **{'arg1': 23})
-            raises(TypeError, func, 42, {'arg1': 23})
+            raises(TypeError, func, 42, **{'arg1': 23})
@@ -179,8 +279,56 @@
                           "assert x")
+        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.failUnless(func(x)) # XXX"),
+                          "assert func(x) # XXX")
+        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+            """
+            self.assert_(1 + f(y)
+                         + z) # multiline, add continuation backslash
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert 1 + f(y)\
+                         + z # multiline, add continuation backslash
+            """
+            )
+        self.assertEquals(process_block("self.assert_(0, 'badger badger')"),
+                          "assert 0, 'badger badger'")
+        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+            r"""
+            self.assert_(0,
+                 'Meet the badger.\n')
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert 0,\
+                 'Meet the badger.\n'
+            """
+            )
+        self.assertEquals(process_block(
+            r"""
+            self.assert_(0 + 0
+                         + len('badger\n')
+                         + 0, '''badger badger badger badger
+                                 mushroom mushroom
+                                 Snake!  It's a snake!
+                              ''') # multiline, must remove the parens
+            """
+            ),
+            r"""
+            assert 0 + 0\
+                         + len('badger\n')\
+                         + 0, '''badger badger badger badger
+                                 mushroom mushroom
+                                 Snake!  It's a snake!
+                              ''' # multiline, must remove the parens
+            """
+            )
 if __name__ == '__main__':

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