[pypy-svn] r4796 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Tue Jun 1 12:59:18 CEST 2004

Author: hpk
Date: Tue Jun  1 12:59:18 2004
New Revision: 4796

pasted 'class complex' from appspace/complexobject.py into
the builtins. 

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/__builtin__module.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/__builtin__module.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/__builtin__module.py	Tue Jun  1 12:59:18 2004
@@ -572,6 +572,361 @@
             return x
         raise AttributeError, attr
+class complex(object):
+    """complex(real[, imag]) -> complex number
+    Create a complex number from a real part and an optional imaginary part.
+    This is equivalent to (real + imag*1j) where imag defaults to 0."""
+    PREC_REPR = 0 # 17
+    PREC_STR = 0 # 12
+    def __init__(self, real=0.0, imag=None):
+        if isinstance(real, str) and imag is not None:
+            msg = "complex() can't take second arg if first is a string"
+            raise TypeError, msg
+        if isinstance(imag, str): 
+            msg = "complex() second arg can't be a string"
+            raise TypeError, msg
+        if isinstance(real, str): 
+            real, imag = self._makeComplexFromString(real)
+            self.__dict__['real'] = real
+            self.__dict__['imag'] = imag
+        else:
+            if imag is None:
+               imag = 0.
+            self.__dict__['real'] = float(real)
+            self.__dict__['imag'] = float(imag)
+    def __setattr__(self, name, value):
+        if name in ('real', 'imag'):
+            raise TypeError, "readonly attribute"
+        else:
+            raise TypeError, "'complex' object has no attribute %s" % name 
+    def _makeComplexFromString(self, string):
+        import re
+        pat = re.compile(" *([\+\-]?\d*\.?\d*)([\+\-]?\d*\.?\d*)[jJ] *")
+        m = pat.match(string)
+        x, y = m.groups()
+        if len(y) == 1 and y in '+-':
+            y = y + '1.0'
+        x, y = map(float, [x, y])
+        return x, y
+    def __description(self, precision):
+        sign = '+'
+        if self.imag < 0.:
+            sign = ''
+        if self.real != 0.:
+            format = "(%%%02dg%%s%%%02dgj)" % (precision, precision)
+            args = (self.real, sign, self.imag)
+        else:
+            format = "%%%02dgj" % precision
+            args = self.imag
+        return format % args
+    def __repr__(self):
+        return self.__description(self.PREC_REPR)
+    def __str__(self):
+        return self.__description(self.PREC_STR)
+    def __hash__(self):
+        hashreal = hash(self.real)
+        hashimag = hash(self.imag)
+        # Note:  if the imaginary part is 0, hashimag is 0 now,
+        # so the following returns hashreal unchanged.  This is
+        # important because numbers of different types that
+        # compare equal must have the same hash value, so that
+        # hash(x + 0*j) must equal hash(x).
+        combined = hashreal + 1000003 * hashimag
+        if combined == -1:
+            combined = -2
+        return combined
+    def __add__(self, other):
+        self, other = self.__coerce__(other)
+        real = self.real + other.real
+        imag = self.imag + other.imag
+        return complex(real, imag)
+    def __sub__(self, other):
+        self, other = self.__coerce__(other)
+        real = self.real - other.real
+        imag = self.imag - other.imag
+        return complex(real, imag)
+    def __mul__(self, other):
+        if other.__class__ != complex:
+            return complex(other*self.real, other*self.imag)
+        real = self.real*other.real - self.imag*other.imag
+        imag = self.real*other.imag + self.imag*other.real
+        return complex(real, imag)
+    def __div__(self, other):
+        if other.__class__ != complex:
+            return complex(self.real/other, self.imag/other)
+        if other.real < 0:
+            abs_breal = -other.real
+        else: 
+            abs_breal = other.real
+        if other.imag < 0:
+            abs_bimag = -other.imag
+        else:
+            abs_bimag = other.imag
+        if abs_breal >= abs_bimag:
+            # divide tops and bottom by other.real
+            if abs_breal == 0.0:
+                real = imag = 0.0
+            else:
+                ratio = other.imag / other.real
+                denom = other.real + other.imag * ratio
+                real = (self.real + self.imag * ratio) / denom
+                imag = (self.imag - self.real * ratio) / denom
+        else:
+            # divide tops and bottom by other.imag
+            ratio = other.real / other.imag
+            denom = other.real * ratio + other.imag
+            assert other.imag != 0.0
+            real = (self.real * ratio + self.imag) / denom
+            imag = (self.imag * ratio - self.real) / denom
+        return complex(real, imag)
+    def __floordiv__(self, other):
+        return self / other
+    def __truediv__(self, other):
+        return self / other
+    def __mod__(self, other):
+        import warnings, math 
+        warnings.warn("complex divmod(), // and % are deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
+        if other.real == 0. and other.imag == 0.:
+            raise ZeroDivisionError, "complex remainder"
+        div = self/other # The raw divisor value.
+        div = complex(math.floor(div.real), 0.0)
+        mod = self - div*other
+        if mod.__class__ == complex:
+            return mod
+        else:
+            return complex(mod)
+    def __divmod__(self, other):
+        import warnings, math
+        warnings.warn("complex divmod(), // and % are deprecated", DeprecationWarning)
+        if other.real == 0. and other.imag == 0.:
+            raise ZeroDivisionError, "complex remainder"
+        div = self/other # The raw divisor value.
+        div = complex(math.floor(div.real), 0.0)
+        mod = self - div*other
+        return div, mod
+    def __pow__(self, other):
+        import math
+        if other.__class__ != complex:
+            other = complex(other, 0)
+        a, b = self, other
+        if b.real == 0. and b.imag == 0.:
+            real = 1.
+            imag = 0.
+        elif a.real == 0. and a.imag == 0.:
+            real = 0.
+            imag = 0.
+        else:
+            vabs = math.hypot(a.real,a.imag)
+            len = math.pow(vabs,b.real)
+            at = math.atan2(a.imag, a.real)
+            phase = at*b.real
+            if b.imag != 0.0:
+                len /= math.exp(at*b.imag)
+                phase += b.imag*math.log(vabs)
+            real = len*math.cos(phase)
+            imag = len*math.sin(phase)
+        return complex(real, imag)
+    def __neg__(self):
+        return complex(-self.real, -self.imag)
+    def __pos__(self):
+        return complex(self.real, self.imag)
+    def __abs__(self):
+        import math
+        result = math.hypot(self.real, self.imag)
+        return float(result)
+    def __nonzero__(self):
+        return self.real != 0.0 or self.imag != 0.0
+    def __coerce__(self, other):
+        typ = type(other)
+        if typ is int: 
+            return self, complex(float(other))
+        elif typ is long: 
+            return self, complex(float(other))
+        elif typ is float: 
+            return self, complex(other)
+        elif other.__class__ == complex:
+            return self, other
+        elif typ is complex: 
+            return self, complex(other.real, other.imag)
+        raise TypeError, "number %r coercion failed" % typ
+    def conjugate(self):
+        return complex(self.real, -self.imag)
+    def __eq__(self, other):
+        self, other = self.__coerce__(other)
+        return self.real == other.real and self.imag == other.imag
+    def __ne__(self, other):
+        self, other = self.__coerce__(other)
+        return self.real != other.real or self.imag != other.imag
+    # unsupported operations
+    def __lt__(self, other):
+        raise TypeError, "cannot compare complex numbers using <, <=, >, >="
+    def __le__(self, other):
+        raise TypeError, "cannot compare complex numbers using <, <=, >, >="
+    def __gt__(self, other):
+        raise TypeError, "cannot compare complex numbers using <, <=, >, >="
+    def __ge__(self, other):
+        raise TypeError, "cannot compare complex numbers using <, <=, >, >="
+    def __int__(self):
+        raise TypeError, "can't convert complex to int; use e.g. int(abs(z))"
+    def __long__(self):
+        raise TypeError, "can't convert complex to long; use e.g. long(abs(z))"
+    def __float__(self):
+        raise TypeError, "can't convert complex to float; use e.g. float(abs(z))"
+    def _unsupportedOp(self, other, op):
+        selfTypeName = type(self).__name__
+        otherTypeName = type(other).__name__
+        args = (op, selfTypeName, otherTypeName)
+        msg = "unsupported operand type(s) for %s: '%s' and '%s'" % args
+        raise TypeError, msg
+    def __and__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "&")
+    def __or__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "|")
+    def __xor__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "^")
+    def __rshift__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, ">>")
+    def __lshift__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "<<")
+    def __iand__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "&=")
+    def __ior__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "|=")
+    def __ixor__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "^=")
+    def __irshift__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, ">>=")
+    def __ilshift__(self, other):
+        self._unsupportedOp(self, other, "<<=")
+    # augmented assignment operations
+    def __iadd__(self, other):
+        return self + other
+    def __isub__(self, other):
+        return self - other
+    def __imul__(self, other):
+        return self * other
+    def __idiv__(self, other):
+        return self / other
+#    def __new__(self, ...):
+#        pass
+# test mod, divmod
+# add radd, rsub, rmul, rdiv...
 # ________________________________________________________________________
 ##    def app___import__(*args):

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