[pypy-svn] rev 1290 - pypy/trunk/doc

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Sun Sep 14 12:11:34 CEST 2003

Author: lac
Date: Sun Sep 14 12:11:33 2003
New Revision: 1290

New section for the bid

Added: pypy/trunk/doc/B2.0_relevance
--- (empty file)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/B2.0_relevance	Sun Sep 14 12:11:33 2003
@@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
+B.2  Relevance to the objectives of the IST Priority
+Describe the manner in which the proposed project's goals address the
+scientific, technical, wider societal and policy objectives of the IST
+Priority in the areas concerned. 
+(Recommended length ­ three pages)
+PyPy is a precise match for IST-2002- - Open development platforms 
+for software and services.  Its stated objective is as follows:
+   To build open development and run-time environments for software
+   and services providing the next generation of methodologies,
+   interoperable middleware and tools to support developers - through all
+   phases of the software life-cycle, from requirements analysis until
+   deployment and maintenance - in the production of networked and
+   distributed software systems and services, embedded software and
+   value-added user services. This will enable the development of future
+   software engineering methods and tools.
+The PyPy project aims to build an flexible and fast implementation of
+the Open Source programming language Python written in itself.  Python
+is a Very High Level Language, a modern tool for developing software.
+While Python is already suitable for developing software of all sizes,
+this new implementation of Python would be particularly suitable for
+the development of networked, distributed software systems, and
+embedded software.  It will facilitate the development of future
+software engineering methods and tools.
+Priority is to be given to projects in which
+ 	'strong industrial users join forces with software and service
+	suppliers in building common platforms with support of academic
+	research partners'.
+This Project is a collaboration between Academic Researchers, and
+Software and Service providers to produce an outcome desired by
+all industrial users.  ASK_STOCKHOLM  'what's an Industrial User?'
+Is AB Strakt one?  Large companies, who are not software providers,
+such as Bang and Bang & Olufsen, the Danish maker of high-end audio
+equipment, http://www.bang-olufsen.com/ have expressed interest in
+using PyPy once it is developed.
+Moreover, our project is relevant to every focus objective.
+Focus is on:
+	a) High level methods and concepts (esp. at requirements and
+           architectural level) for system design, development and 
+           integration, addressing non-functional aspects, complexity, 
+           autonomy and composability.
+PyPy will advance the 'state-of-the-art' in specializing compilers,
+with a new architecture for Object Libraries that provide for radical
+improvements in composability, autonomy, and composability.
+         b) Open and modular development environments, enabling 
+            flexibility and extensibility with new or sector-specific 
+            tools (e.g. intelligent distributed decision support), 
+            supporting different adaptable development processes and 
+            methodologies and ensuring consistency and traceability 
+            across the development lifecycle.
+Flexibility is one of the Primary goals of PyPy.  Our new architecture
+will be the basis of a host of more flexible and extensible ways to
+create software products.  PyPy will, of course, be released as 
+Free/Open software, under the MIT license.
+FOOTNOTE: Stick MIT License in here.
+ASK_STOCKHOLM -- Am I correct?  They want the thing we made to be
+Open and Modular?  Or are they asking that our own way of working uses
+Open and Modular techniques?  We do this as well ....
+           c) Light/agile methodologies and adaptive workflow providing 
+              a dynamic and adaptive environment, suitable for 
+              co-operative and distributed development.
+Each member of the group is committed to Agile Methodolgies.  Some of
+us have experience with Crystal and others with XP, [FIXME add URLS
+and see if we have any more trained people on the team]two of the more
+popular ones.  Moreover, since we have been active for many years in
+the Open Source community, we are already used to co-operating with
+others in a distributed development process.  
+ASK_STOCKHOLM -- is this what they want, or more like this?
+AB Strakt is a young Swedish software company whose main product, CAPS
+is an adaptive workflow framework.  A faster Python would seamlessly improve
+this product, and those applications which are based upon it.
+[FIXME: if we want this bit, we want to refere to the AB Strakt Appendex, that
+ says that we are a cool company, and that we do workflow and procurement,
+ and that we are responsible -- blah blah blah.  I'll boast about
+ Strakt later, or see if I can steal some boasts from marketing.]
+             d) Open platforms, middleware and languages supporting
+                standards for interoperability, composability and
+                integration. (incl. e.g. P2P, GRID, autonomy, agents, 
+                dynamic adaptability and evolvability, context awareness, 
+                customer profiles). Open source middleware layers can 
+                facilitate rapid and broad adoption.
+PyPy is an Open Language.  ASK_STOCKHOLM.  So they have just asked us to
+make them a languaqe?  Or they just want us to use a language to make 
+what we are making?
+	In addition, related foundational research, to be implemented by
+	Specific Targeted Research Projects and Coordination Actions, should
+	focus on fundamental design concepts, systematisation of domain
+	specifications, concurrency, distribution and timing, formal and
+	quantitative analysis and testing tools, and future database and
+	information system concepts.
+ASK_STOCKHOLM PyPy is Applied Research.  When they say 'foundational
+research' do they want 'foundational applied research', in which case
+we can all cheer and say, here we are with a STREP, new foundational
+research in the field of specializing compilers, just what you asked
+for?  Or by 'foundational research' do they mean the sort of basic
+research that has no direct applications, but goes under the heading
+'it is nice to learn stuff'?
+	Work should where appropriate, enhance and complement work
+        implemented under EUREKA/ITEA and in software initiatives at member
+        and associated state level. The IST programme will seek active
+        co-operation with ITEA in software intensive systems.
+ASK_STOCKHOLM  I don't know how to find  out which work implemented under
+EUREKA/ITEA  was implemented using Python.  I do know of 2 prior IST
+projects.  FIXME:  add URL for ASWAD.  A faster Python will enhance
+any project done in Python.  Also, if this means that EUREKA/ITEA
+has more pots of money that they would like to hand us, we'd love
+to take it.

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