[pypy-svn] rev 1528 - in pypy/trunk/doc/funding: . fundingattic

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Oct 2 20:26:50 CEST 2003

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Oct  2 20:26:49 2003
New Revision: 1528

   pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_dynamic_optimization   (contents, props changed)
      - copied, changed from rev 1525, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_integrate_psyco.txt
   pypy/trunk/doc/funding/fundingattic/B6.7.wp40_high_performance.txt   (props changed)
      - copied unchanged from rev 1523, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp40_high_performance.txt

revised the Psyco workpackage to be "dynamic optimization"

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp40_high_performance.txt
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp40_high_performance.txt	Thu Oct  2 20:26:49 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,50 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: crossreferences.asc
-.. |title| replace:: High-performance PyPy-Python
-.. |wp|    replace:: M2
-.. |start| replace:: 0
-.. |p1|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m1|    replace:: |e|
-.. |p2|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m2|    replace:: |e|
-.. |p3|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m3|    replace:: |e|
-.. |p4|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m4|    replace:: |e|
-.. |p5|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m5|    replace:: |e|
-.. |p6|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m6|    replace:: |e|
-.. include:: wp-toptable.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-Optimizing the Bootstrapping in various ways.
-Exploring several Object Implementations.
-Folding Psyco and Stackless into PyPy.
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-**Description of work**
-This working package consists of the tasks WP41_ WP42_ WP43_ WP44_.
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-**Milestones and Expected Result**
-- M4
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc

Copied: pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_dynamic_optimization (from rev 1525, pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_integrate_psyco.txt)
--- pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_integrate_psyco.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_dynamic_optimization	Thu Oct  2 20:26:49 2003
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 .. include:: crossreferences.asc
-.. |title| replace:: Integration of Psyco
+.. |title| replace:: Dynamic optimizations and features
 .. |wp|    replace:: WP44
 .. |start| replace:: M2
 .. |p1|    replace:: AR
@@ -22,43 +22,43 @@
-- Integration of Psyco's technology into PyPy.
-  - Optimization by Creating Specialized Machine Code at Run-time.
-  - Adressing new Processor Architectures
+Enhance PyPy to dynamically adapt to its run-time environment and
+to the characteristics of the running program.  Dramatically 
+increase speed by enabling Just-In-Time compilation and
+specialization.  Address multiple processor architectures.
 .. include:: wp-tableend.asc
 .. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
 **Description of work**
-- Determine which parts of Psyco need to be written in RPython.
+**Task 1**
+Apply and enhance techniques from the Psyco project.  Promote parts
+of the static translator to be used for run-time specialization.
+**Task 2**
-- Design Psyco as a meta-component
-  that hooks into the translator (WP31_)
+Design and implement a back-end component for dynamically emitting
+machine code for multiple processor architectures.  Enable dynamic
+foreign function calls.
-- Implement Psyco partially in RPython, partially in Python,
-  favoring the latter.
-- Implement a dedicated run-time component (WP33_) for Psyco.
-- Further develop these technologies based on the results gathered in WP43_, 
-  e.g. identify when these technologies would guide specific choices among the 
-  solutions developed in WP33_ and studying several solutions in WP42_.
+**Task 3**
+Research optimisation heuristics for the Just-In-Time compiler.
+Coordinate with WP42_.
 .. include:: wp-tableend.asc
 .. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-- DL??? to be defined. Speed boost, architectures.
-- DL??? Passing all applicable elements of the standard test suite.
+- DL??? A processor back-end supporting Intel(tm) i386 and PowerPC. 
+- DL??? A Just-In-Time compiler for PyPy. 
 .. include:: wp-tableend.asc
 .. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
 **Milestones and Expected Result**
-- M4 with M3 WP42_ WP43_
 .. include:: wp-tableend.asc

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_integrate_psyco.txt
--- /pypy/trunk/doc/funding/B6.7.wp44_integrate_psyco.txt	Thu Oct  2 20:26:49 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,64 +0,0 @@
-.. include:: crossreferences.asc
-.. |title| replace:: Integration of Psyco
-.. |wp|    replace:: WP44
-.. |start| replace:: M2
-.. |p1|    replace:: AR
-.. |m1|    replace:: 6
-.. |p2|    replace:: Y
-.. |m2|    replace:: 2
-.. |p3|    replace:: Y
-.. |m3|    replace:: 2
-.. |p4|    replace:: Z
-.. |m4|    replace:: 2
-.. |p5|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m5|    replace:: |e|
-.. |p6|    replace:: |e|
-.. |m6|    replace:: |e|
-.. include:: wp-toptable.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-- Integration of Psyco's technology into PyPy.
-  - Optimization by Creating Specialized Machine Code at Run-time.
-  - Adressing new Processor Architectures
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-**Description of work**
-- Determine which parts of Psyco need to be written in RPython.
-- Design Psyco as a meta-component
-  that hooks into the translator (WP31_)
-- Implement Psyco partially in RPython, partially in Python,
-  favoring the latter.
-- Implement a dedicated run-time component (WP33_) for Psyco.
-- Further develop these technologies based on the results gathered in WP43_, 
-  e.g. identify when these technologies would guide specific choices among the 
-  solutions developed in WP33_ and studying several solutions in WP42_.
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-- DL??? to be defined. Speed boost, architectures.
-- DL??? Passing all applicable elements of the standard test suite.
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc
-.. include:: wp-tablebegin.asc
-**Milestones and Expected Result**
-- M4 with M3 WP42_ WP43_
-.. include:: wp-tableend.asc

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