[pypy-svn] rev 659 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std

tismer at codespeak.net tismer at codespeak.net
Thu May 29 14:08:51 CEST 2003

Author: tismer
Date: Thu May 29 14:08:51 2003
New Revision: 659

re-implemented listobject completely, similar to the CPython implementation. A lot is still missing

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/listobject.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/listobject.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/listobject.py	Thu May 29 14:08:51 2003
@@ -3,65 +3,80 @@
 from sliceobject import W_SliceObject
 from instmethobject import W_InstMethObject
 from pypy.interpreter.extmodule import make_builtin_func
+from restricted_int import r_int, r_uint
 class W_ListObject(W_Object):
     def __init__(w_self, space, wrappeditems):
         W_Object.__init__(w_self, space)
-        w_self.wrappeditems = wrappeditems   # a list of wrapped values
+        w_self.ob_item = []
+        w_self.ob_size = 0
+        newlen = len(wrappeditems)
+        list_resize(w_self, newlen)
+        w_self.ob_size = newlen
+        items = w_self.ob_item
+        p = newlen
+        while p:
+            p -= 1
+            items[p] = wrappeditems[p]
     def __repr__(w_self):
         """ representation for debugging purposes """
-        reprlist = [repr(w_item) for w_item in w_self.wrappeditems]
+        reprlist = [repr(w_item) for w_item in w_self.ob_item[:self.ob_size]]
         return "%s(%s)" % (w_self.__class__.__name__, ', '.join(reprlist))
     def append(w_self, w_obj):
-        w_self.wrappeditems.append(w_obj)
-        return w_self.space.w_None
+        return list_append(w_self.space, w_self, w_obj)
+    def insert(w_self, w_idx, w_obj):
+        return list_insert(w_self.space, w_self, w_idx, w_obj)
 def list_unwrap(space, w_list):
-    items = [space.unwrap(w_item) for w_item in w_list.wrappeditems]
+    items = [space.unwrap(w_item) for w_item in w_list.ob_item[:w_list.ob_size]]
     return list(items)
 StdObjSpace.unwrap.register(list_unwrap, W_ListObject)
 def list_is_true(space, w_list):
-    return not not w_list.wrappeditems
+    return not not w_list.ob_size
 StdObjSpace.is_true.register(list_is_true, W_ListObject)
 def list_len(space, w_list):
-    result = len(w_list.wrappeditems)
+    result = w_list.ob_size
     return W_IntObject(space, result)
 StdObjSpace.len.register(list_len, W_ListObject)
 def getitem_list_int(space, w_list, w_index):
-    items = w_list.wrappeditems
-    try:
-        w_item = items[w_index.intval]
-    except IndexError:
+    items = w_list.ob_item
+    idx = w_index.intval
+    if idx < 0: idx += w_list.ob_size
+    if idx < 0 or idx >= w_list.ob_size:
         raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
                              space.wrap("list index out of range"))
+    w_item = items[idx]
     return w_item
 StdObjSpace.getitem.register(getitem_list_int, W_ListObject, W_IntObject)
 def getitem_list_slice(space, w_list, w_slice):
-    items = w_list.wrappeditems
-    w_length = space.wrap(len(items))
+    items = w_list.ob_item
+    w_length = space.wrap(w_list.ob_size)
     w_start, w_stop, w_step, w_slicelength = w_slice.indices(space, w_length)
     start       = space.unwrap(w_start)
     step        = space.unwrap(w_step)
     slicelength = space.unwrap(w_slicelength)
     assert slicelength >= 0
-    subitems = [None] * slicelength
+    w_res = W_ListObject(space, [])
+    list_resize(w_res, slicelength)
+    subitems = w_res.ob_item
     for i in range(slicelength):
         subitems[i] = items[start]
         start += step
-    return W_ListObject(space, subitems)
+    w_res.ob_size = slicelength
+    return w_res
 StdObjSpace.getitem.register(getitem_list_slice, W_ListObject, W_SliceObject)
@@ -72,16 +87,39 @@
 StdObjSpace.iter.register(list_iter, W_ListObject)
 def list_add(space, w_list1, w_list2):
-    items1 = w_list1.wrappeditems
-    items2 = w_list2.wrappeditems
-    return W_ListObject(space, items1 + items2)
+    w_res = W_ListObject(space, [])
+    newlen = w_list1.ob_size + w_list2.ob_size
+    list_resize(w_res, newlen)
+    p = 0
+    items = w_res.ob_item
+    src = w_list1.ob_item
+    for i in range(w_list1.ob_size):
+        items[p] = src[i]
+        p += 1
+    src = w_list2.ob_item
+    for i in range(w_list2.ob_size):
+        items[p] = src[i]
+        p += 1
+    w_res.ob_size = p
+    return w_res
 StdObjSpace.add.register(list_add, W_ListObject, W_ListObject)
 def list_int_mul(space, w_list, w_int):
-    items = w_list.wrappeditems
+    w_res = W_ListObject(space, [])
     times = w_int.intval
-    return W_ListObject(space, items * times)
+    src = w_list.ob_item
+    size = w_list.ob_size
+    newlen = size * times  # XXX check overflow
+    list_resize(w_res, newlen)
+    items = w_res.ob_item
+    p = 0
+    for _ in range(times):
+        for i in range(size):
+            items[p] = src[i]
+            p += 1
+    w_res.ob_size = p
+    return w_res
 StdObjSpace.mul.register(list_int_mul, W_ListObject, W_IntObject)
@@ -91,45 +129,49 @@
 StdObjSpace.mul.register(int_list_mul, W_IntObject, W_ListObject)
 def list_eq(space, w_list1, w_list2):
-    items1 = w_list1.wrappeditems
-    items2 = w_list2.wrappeditems
-    if len(items1) != len(items2):
+    items1 = w_list1.ob_item
+    items2 = w_list2.ob_item
+    if w_list1.ob_size != w_list2.ob_size:
         return space.w_False
-    for item1, item2 in zip(items1, items2):
-        if not space.is_true(space.eq(item1, item2)):
+    for i in range(w_list1.ob_size):
+        if not space.is_true(space.eq(items1[i], items2[i])):
             return space.w_False
     return space.w_True
 StdObjSpace.eq.register(list_eq, W_ListObject, W_ListObject)
-# upto here, lists are nearly identical to tuples.
-# XXX have to add over-allocation!
+# upto here, lists are nearly identical to tuples, despite the
+# fact that we now support over-allocation!
 def setitem_list_int(space, w_list, w_index, w_any):
-    items = w_list.wrappeditems
-    try:
-        items[w_index.intval] = w_any
-    except IndexError:
+    items = w_list.ob_item
+    idx = w_index.intval
+    if idx < 0: idx += w_list.ob_size
+    if idx < 0 or idx >= w_list.ob_size:
         raise OperationError(space.w_IndexError,
                              space.wrap("list index out of range"))
+    items[idx] = w_any
     return space.w_None
 StdObjSpace.setitem.register(setitem_list_int, W_ListObject, W_IntObject, W_ANY)
 # not trivial!
 def setitem_list_slice(space, w_list, w_slice, w_list2):
-    items = w_list.wrappeditems
-    w_length = space.wrap(len(items))
+    items = w_list.ob_item
+    w_length = space.wrap(w_list.ob_size)
     w_start, w_stop, w_step, w_slicelength = w_slice.indices(space, w_length)
     start       = space.unwrap(w_start)
     step        = space.unwrap(w_step)
     slicelength = space.unwrap(w_slicelength)
     assert slicelength >= 0
-    subitems = [None] * slicelength
+    w_res = W_ListObject(space, [])
+    list_resize(w_res, slicelength)
+    subitems = w_res.ob_item
     for i in range(slicelength):
         subitems[i] = items[start]
         start += step
-    return W_ListObject(space, subitems)
+    w_res.ob_size = slicelength
+    return w_res
 StdObjSpace.setitem.register(setitem_list_slice, W_ListObject, W_SliceObject, W_ANY)
@@ -137,22 +179,110 @@
     if space.is_true(space.eq(w_attr, space.wrap('append'))):
         w_builtinfn = make_builtin_func(space, W_ListObject.append)
         return W_InstMethObject(space, w_list, w_builtinfn)
+    if space.is_true(space.eq(w_attr, space.wrap('insert'))):
+        w_builtinfn = make_builtin_func(space, W_ListObject.insert)
+        return W_InstMethObject(space, w_list, w_builtinfn)
     raise FailedToImplement(space.w_AttributeError)
 StdObjSpace.getattr.register(getattr_list, W_ListObject, W_ANY)
+# adapted C code
+def roundupsize(n):
+    nbits = r_uint(0)
+    n2 = n >> 5
+##    /* Round up:
+##     * If n <       256, to a multiple of        8.
+##     * If n <      2048, to a multiple of       64.
+##     * If n <     16384, to a multiple of      512.
+##     * If n <    131072, to a multiple of     4096.
+##     * If n <   1048576, to a multiple of    32768.
+##     * If n <   8388608, to a multiple of   262144.
+##     * If n <  67108864, to a multiple of  2097152.
+##     * If n < 536870912, to a multiple of 16777216.
+##     * ...
+##     * If n < 2**(5+3*i), to a multiple of 2**(3*i).
+##     *
+##     * This over-allocates proportional to the list size, making room
+##     * for additional growth.  The over-allocation is mild, but is
+##     * enough to give linear-time amortized behavior over a long
+##     * sequence of appends() in the presence of a poorly-performing
+##     * system realloc() (which is a reality, e.g., across all flavors
+##     * of Windows, with Win9x behavior being particularly bad -- and
+##     * we've still got address space fragmentation problems on Win9x
+##     * even with this scheme, although it requires much longer lists to
+##     * provoke them than it used to).
+##     */
+    while 1:
+        n2 >>= 3
+        nbits += 3
+        if not n2 :
+            break
+    return ((n >> nbits) + 1) << nbits
+# before we have real arrays,
+# we use lists, allocated to fixed size.
+# XXX memory overflow is ignored here.
+# See listobject.c for reference.
+for_later = """
+#define NRESIZE(var, type, nitems)              \
+do {                                \
+    size_t _new_size = roundupsize(nitems);         \
+    if (_new_size <= ((~(size_t)0) / sizeof(type)))     \
+        PyMem_RESIZE(var, type, _new_size);     \
+    else                            \
+        var = NULL;                 \
+} while (0)
+def list_resize(w_list, newlen):
+    if newlen > len(w_list.ob_item):
+        true_size = roundupsize(newlen)
+        old_items = w_list.ob_item
+        w_list.ob_item = items = [None] * true_size
+        for p in range(len(old_items)):
+            items[p] = old_items[p]
+def ins1(w_list, where, w_any):
+    print w_list.ob_size, w_list.ob_item
+    list_resize(w_list, w_list.ob_size+1)
+    print w_list.ob_size, w_list.ob_item
+    size = w_list.ob_size
+    items = w_list.ob_item
+    if where < 0:
+        where += size
+    if where < 0:
+        where = 0
+    if (where > size):
+        where = size
+    for i in range(size, where, -1):
+        items[i] = items[i-1]
+    print w_list.ob_size, w_list.ob_item
+    items[where] = w_any
+    print w_list.ob_size, w_list.ob_item
+    w_list.ob_size += 1
+    print w_list.ob_size, w_list.ob_item
+def list_insert(space, w_list, w_where, w_any):
+    ins1(w_list, w_where.intval, w_any)
+    return space.w_None
+def list_append(space, w_list, w_any):
+    ins1(w_list, w_list.ob_size, w_any)
+    return space.w_None
 static PyMethodDef list_methods[] = {
-	{"append",	(PyCFunction)listappend,  METH_O, append_doc},
-	{"insert",	(PyCFunction)listinsert,  METH_VARARGS, insert_doc},
-	{"extend",      (PyCFunction)listextend,  METH_O, extend_doc},
-	{"pop",		(PyCFunction)listpop, 	  METH_VARARGS, pop_doc},
-	{"remove",	(PyCFunction)listremove,  METH_O, remove_doc},
-	{"index",	(PyCFunction)listindex,   METH_O, index_doc},
-	{"count",	(PyCFunction)listcount,   METH_O, count_doc},
-	{"reverse",	(PyCFunction)listreverse, METH_NOARGS, reverse_doc},
-	{"sort",	(PyCFunction)listsort, 	  METH_VARARGS, sort_doc},
-	{NULL,		NULL}		/* sentinel */
+    {"append",  (PyCFunction)listappend,  METH_O, append_doc},
+    {"insert",  (PyCFunction)listinsert,  METH_VARARGS, insert_doc},
+    {"extend",      (PyCFunction)listextend,  METH_O, extend_doc},
+    {"pop",     (PyCFunction)listpop,     METH_VARARGS, pop_doc},
+    {"remove",  (PyCFunction)listremove,  METH_O, remove_doc},
+    {"index",   (PyCFunction)listindex,   METH_O, index_doc},
+    {"count",   (PyCFunction)listcount,   METH_O, count_doc},
+    {"reverse", (PyCFunction)listreverse, METH_NOARGS, reverse_doc},
+    {"sort",    (PyCFunction)listsort,    METH_VARARGS, sort_doc},
+    {NULL,      NULL}       /* sentinel */

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