[pypy-svn] rev 550 - in pypy/trunk/src/pypy: interpreter module module/test objspace/std

arigo at codespeak.net arigo at codespeak.net
Tue May 27 15:02:06 CEST 2003

Author: arigo
Date: Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
New Revision: 550

   pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/test/test_range.py   (props changed)
bunch of changes, getting closer to having hello_world again

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/baseobjspace.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -17,15 +17,15 @@
     def __init__(self):
         "Basic initialization of objects."
-        self.w_builtins = self.newdict([]) #temporary! changed by make_builtins()
         self.w_modules = self.newdict([])
         self.appfile_helpers = {}
     def make_builtins(self):
         self.builtin = pypy.module.builtin.Builtin(self)
-        self.w_builtin = self.builtin.wrap_me()
+        self.w_builtin = self.builtin.wrap_base()
         self.w_builtins = self.getattr(self.w_builtin, self.wrap("__dict__"))
+        self.builtin.wrap_appfile(self.w_builtin)
     def make_sys(self):
         import pypy.module.sysmodule

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/extmodule.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/extmodule.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/extmodule.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -49,13 +49,17 @@
     __appfile__ = None
     __helper_appfile__ = None
+    _helper = None
     def __init__(self, space):
         self.space = space
-        if self.__helper_appfile__ is not None:
-            self._helper = appfile.AppHelper(self.space,
-                                             self.__helper_appfile__)
     def wrap_me(self):
+        w_module = self.wrap_base()
+        self.wrap_appfile(w_module)
+        return w_module
+    def wrap_base(self):
         space = self.space
         modulename = self.__pythonname__
         w_module = space.newmodule(space.wrap(modulename))
@@ -67,12 +71,17 @@
             elif isinstance(value, appdata):
                 w_data = space.wrap(value.data)
                 space.setattr(w_module, space.wrap(key), w_data)
+        return w_module
+    def wrap_appfile(self, w_module):
         sappfile = self.__appfile__
         if sappfile:
+            space = self.space
             w_dict = space.getattr(w_module, space.wrap("__dict__"))
             appfile.AppHelper(space, sappfile, w_dict)
-        return w_module
     def callhelp(functioname,argslist):
+        if self._helper is None:
+            self._helper = appfile.AppHelper(self.space,
+                                             self.__helper_appfile__)

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/main.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/main.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/main.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@
         frame = pyframe.PyFrame(space, space.unwrap(w_code),
                                 w_globals, w_globals)
     except baseobjspace.OperationError, operationerr:
+        operationerr.record_interpreter_traceback()
         raise baseobjspace.PyPyError(space, operationerr)
@@ -37,8 +38,6 @@
     except baseobjspace.PyPyError, pypyerr:
-        if pypyerr.space is None:
-            raise pypyerr.operationerr   # does anyone have a better idea?
 if __name__ == '__main__':

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/pycode.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -41,7 +41,6 @@
         # application-level at all.
         co = self
         if (co.co_flags & (CO_VARARGS|CO_VARKEYWORDS) == 0 and
-            (w_defaults is None or not space.is_true(w_defaults)) and
             (w_kwargs   is None or not space.is_true(w_kwargs))   and
             (w_closure  is None or not space.is_true(w_closure))):
             # looks like a simple case, see if we got exactly the correct

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/pycode_app.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/pycode_app.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/pycode_app.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -1,82 +1,85 @@
-# replacement for decode_frame_arguments
-def decode_code_arguments(args, kws, defs, closure, codeobject):
-    """
-    Assumptions:
-    args = sequence of the normal actual parameters
-    kws = dictionary of keyword actual parameters
-    defs = sequence of defaults
-    """
-    CO_VARARGS = 0x4
-    varargs = (codeobject.co_flags & CO_VARARGS) and 1
-    varkeywords = (codeobject.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS) and 1
-    varargs_tuple = ()
-    argdict = {}
-    parameter_names = codeobject.co_varnames[:codeobject.co_argcount]
-    # Normal arguments
-    for i in range(len(args)):
-        try:
-            argdict[parameter_names[i]] = args[i]
-        except IndexError:
-            # If varargs, put in tuple, else throw error
-            if varargs:
-                varargs_tuple = args[i:]
-            else:
-                raise TypeError, 'Too many parameters to callable object'
-    # Put all suitable keywords into arglist
-    if kws:
-        if varkeywords:
-            # Allow all keywords
-            newkw = {}
-            for key in kws.keys():
-                for name in parameter_names:
-                    if name == key:
-                        if argdict.has_key(key):
-                            raise TypeError, 'Setting parameter %s twice.' % name
-                        else:
-                            argdict[key] = kws[key]
-                        break # name found in parameter names
-                else:
-                    newkw[key] = kws[key]
-        else:
-            # Only allow formal parameter keywords
-            count = len(kws)
-            for name in parameter_names:
-                if kws.has_key(name):
-                    count -= 1
-                    if argdict.has_key(name):
-                        raise TypeError, 'Setting parameter %s twice.' % name
-                    else:
-                        argdict[name] = kws[name]
-            if count:
-                # XXX This should be improved to show the parameters that
-                #     shouldn't be here.
-                raise TypeError, 'Setting keyword parameter that does not exist in formal parameter list.'
-    # Fill in with defaults, starting at argcount - defcount
-    if defs:
-        argcount = codeobject.co_argcount
-        defcount = len(defs)
-        for i in range(argcount - defcount, argcount):
-            if argdict.has_key(parameter_names[i]):
-                continue
-            argdict[parameter_names[i]] = defs[i - (argcount - defcount)]
-    if len(argdict) < codeobject.co_argcount:
-        raise TypeError, 'Too few paramteres to callable object'
-    namepos = codeobject.co_argcount
-    if varargs:
-        name = codeobject.co_varnames[namepos]
-        argdict[name] = varargs_tuple
-        namepos += 1
-    if varkeywords:
-        name = codeobject.co_varnames[namepos]
-        argdict[name] = newkw
-    return argdict
+# replacement for decode_frame_arguments
+# Attention ! All calls here must be "easy", i.e. not involve
+# default or keyword arguments !! For example, all range() calls
+# need three arguments.
+def decode_code_arguments(args, kws, defs, closure, codeobject):
+    """
+    Assumptions:
+    args = sequence of the normal actual parameters
+    kws = dictionary of keyword actual parameters
+    defs = sequence of defaults
+    """
+    CO_VARARGS = 0x4
+    varargs = (codeobject.co_flags & CO_VARARGS) and 1
+    varkeywords = (codeobject.co_flags & CO_VARKEYWORDS) and 1
+    varargs_tuple = ()
+    argdict = {}
+    parameter_names = codeobject.co_varnames[:codeobject.co_argcount]
+    # Normal arguments
+    for i in range(0, len(args), 1):
+        try:
+            argdict[parameter_names[i]] = args[i]
+        except IndexError:
+            # If varargs, put in tuple, else throw error
+            if varargs:
+                varargs_tuple = args[i:]
+            else:
+                raise TypeError, 'Too many parameters to callable object'
+    # Put all suitable keywords into arglist
+    if kws:
+        if varkeywords:
+            # Allow all keywords
+            newkw = {}
+            for key in kws.keys():
+                for name in parameter_names:
+                    if name == key:
+                        if key in argdict:
+                            raise TypeError, 'Setting parameter %s twice.' % name
+                        else:
+                            argdict[key] = kws[key]
+                        break # name found in parameter names
+                else:
+                    newkw[key] = kws[key]
+        else:
+            # Only allow formal parameter keywords
+            count = len(kws)
+            for name in parameter_names:
+                if name in kws:
+                    count -= 1
+                    if name in argdict:
+                        raise TypeError, 'Setting parameter %s twice.' % name
+                    else:
+                        argdict[name] = kws[name]
+            if count:
+                # XXX This should be improved to show the parameters that
+                #     shouldn't be here.
+                raise TypeError, 'Setting keyword parameter that does not exist in formal parameter list.'
+    # Fill in with defaults, starting at argcount - defcount
+    if defs:
+        argcount = codeobject.co_argcount
+        defcount = len(defs)
+        for i in range(argcount - defcount, argcount, 1):
+            if parameter_names[i] in argdict:
+                continue
+            argdict[parameter_names[i]] = defs[i - (argcount - defcount)]
+    if len(argdict) < codeobject.co_argcount:
+        raise TypeError, 'Too few parameters to callable object'
+    namepos = codeobject.co_argcount
+    if varargs:
+        name = codeobject.co_varnames[namepos]
+        argdict[name] = varargs_tuple
+        namepos += 1
+    if varkeywords:
+        name = codeobject.co_varnames[namepos]
+        argdict[name] = newkw
+    return argdict

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/builtin.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/builtin.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/builtin.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -15,13 +15,15 @@
     # we have None!
     None = appdata(_b.None)
+    dict = appdata(_b.dict)   # XXX temporary
+    tuple = appdata(_b.tuple) # XXX temporary
     # temporary hack, until we have a real tuple type for calling
-    def tuple(self, w_obj):
-        lis = self.space.unpackiterable(w_obj)
-        w_res = self.space.newtuple(lis)
-        return w_res
-    tuple = appmethod(tuple)
+    #def tuple(self, w_obj):
+    #    lis = self.space.unpackiterable(w_obj)
+    #    w_res = self.space.newtuple(lis)
+    #    return w_res
+    #tuple = appmethod(tuple)
     def __import__(self, w_modulename, w_locals, w_globals, w_fromlist):
         space = self.space
@@ -105,8 +107,8 @@
     #It works only for new-style classes.
     #So we have to fix it, when we add support for
     #the old-style classes
-    def issubclass(self, w_val):
-        return self.space.issubtype(w_val)
+    def issubclass(self, w_cls1, w_cls2):
+        return self.space.issubtype(w_cls1, w_cls2)
     issubclass = appmethod(issubclass)
     #XXX the is also the second form of iter, we don't have implemented

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/builtin_app.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/builtin_app.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/module/builtin_app.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-# XXX kwds yet to come
-# Problem: need to decide how to implement iterators,
-# which are needed for star args.
-def apply(function, args, kwds):
+def apply(function, args, kwds={}):
     return function(*args, **kwds)
 def map(function, *collections):

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/dictobject.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/dictobject.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/dictobject.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -84,3 +84,17 @@
     raise OperationError(space.w_KeyError, w_lookup)
 StdObjSpace.delitem.register(delitem_dict_any, W_DictObject, W_ANY)
+def len_dict(space, w_dict):
+    return space.wrap(len(w_dict.non_empties()))
+StdObjSpace.len.register(len_dict, W_DictObject)
+def contains_dict_any(space, w_dict, w_lookup):
+    data = w_dict.non_empties()
+    for w_key,cell in data:
+        if space.is_true(space.eq(w_lookup, w_key)):
+            return space.w_True
+    return space.w_False
+StdObjSpace.contains.register(contains_dict_any, W_DictObject, W_ANY)

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/moduleobject.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/moduleobject.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/moduleobject.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -13,7 +13,7 @@
         self.w_dict = W_DictObject(items)
-def getattr_dict_any(space, w_module, w_attr):
+def getattr_module_any(space, w_module, w_attr):
     if space.is_true(space.eq(w_attr, space.wrap('__dict__'))):
         return w_module.w_dict
@@ -25,14 +25,14 @@
-def setattr_dict_any_any(space, w_module, w_attr, w_value):
+def setattr_module_any_any(space, w_module, w_attr, w_value):
     if space.is_true(space.eq(w_attr, space.wrap('__dict__'))):
         raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
                              space.wrap("readonly attribute"))
         space.setitem(w_module.w_dict, w_attr, w_value)
-def delattr_dict_any(space, w_module, w_attr):
+def delattr_module_any(space, w_module, w_attr):
     if space.is_true(space.eq(w_attr, space.wrap('__dict__'))):
         raise OperationError(space.w_TypeError,
                              space.wrap("readonly attribute"))
@@ -45,6 +45,6 @@
-StdObjSpace.getattr.register(getattr_dict_any, W_ModuleObject, W_ANY)
-StdObjSpace.setattr.register(setattr_dict_any_any, W_ModuleObject, W_ANY, W_ANY)
-StdObjSpace.delattr.register(delattr_dict_any, W_ModuleObject, W_ANY)
+StdObjSpace.getattr.register(getattr_module_any,     W_ModuleObject, W_ANY)
+StdObjSpace.setattr.register(setattr_module_any_any, W_ModuleObject, W_ANY,W_ANY)
+StdObjSpace.delattr.register(delattr_module_any,     W_ModuleObject, W_ANY)

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/objspace/std/objspace.py	Tue May 27 15:02:06 2003
@@ -175,12 +175,12 @@
 def default_setattr(space, w_obj, w_attr, w_value):
     raise OperationError(space.w_AttributeError, w_attr)
-StdObjSpace.setattr.register(default_getattr, W_ANY, W_ANY, W_ANY)
+StdObjSpace.setattr.register(default_setattr, W_ANY, W_ANY, W_ANY)
 def default_delattr(space, w_obj, w_attr, w_value):
     raise OperationError(space.w_AttributeError, w_attr)
-StdObjSpace.delattr.register(default_getattr, W_ANY, W_ANY)
+StdObjSpace.delattr.register(default_delattr, W_ANY, W_ANY)
 # add default implementations for in-place operators
 for _name, _symbol, _arity in ObjSpace.MethodTable:

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