[pypy-svn] rev 820 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter

mwh at codespeak.net mwh at codespeak.net
Tue Jun 17 17:29:48 CEST 2003

Author: mwh
Date: Tue Jun 17 17:29:48 2003
New Revision: 820

support for app-space tests: derive a testcase from i
testsupport.AppTestCase (relavent changes to the testsupport.py
files will follow next)

Modified: pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/unittest_w.py
--- pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/unittest_w.py	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/src/pypy/interpreter/unittest_w.py	Tue Jun 17 17:29:48 2003
@@ -1,7 +1,70 @@
 import sys, os
 import unittest
+import testtools
-class TestCase_w(unittest.TestCase):
+def wrap_func(space, func):
+    # this is generally useful enough that it should probably go
+    # somewhere more obvious (objspace method?)
+    from pypy.interpreter import pycode
+    code = pycode.PyByteCode()
+    code._from_code(func.func_code)
+    return space.newfunction(code, space.newdict([]),
+                             space.wrap(func.func_defaults), None)
+def make_testcase_class(space, tc_w):
+    # XXX this is all a bit insane (but it works)
+    from pypy.interpreter.extmodule import make_builtin_func
+    w = space.wrap
+    d = space.newdict([])
+    for name in dir(AppTestCase):
+        if name.startswith('assert') or name.startswith('fail'):
+            if hasattr(tc_w, 'app_' + name):
+                builtin_func = make_builtin_func(space, getattr(tc_w, "app_" + name),
+                                                 boundmethod=True)
+                space.setitem(d, w(name), builtin_func)
+    w_tc = space.call_function(space.w_type,
+                               w('TestCase'),
+                               space.newtuple([]),
+                               d)
+    return space.call_function(w_tc)
+class WrappedFunc(object):
+    def __init__(self, testCase, testMethod):
+        self.testCase = testCase
+        self.testMethod = testMethod
+    def __call__(self):
+        from pypy.interpreter import executioncontext
+        from pypy.interpreter import pyframe
+        s = self.testCase.space
+        w = s.wrap
+        w_tc_attr = 'tc-attr-hacky-thing'
+        if hasattr(s, w_tc_attr):
+            w_tc = getattr(s, w_tc_attr)
+        else:
+            w_tc = make_testcase_class(s, self.testCase)
+            setattr(s, w_tc_attr, w_tc)
+        w_f = wrap_func(s, self.testMethod.im_func)
+        try:
+            s.call_function(w_f, w_tc)
+        except executioncontext.OperationError, oe:
+            oe.print_application_traceback(s)
+            import __builtin__
+            w_res = s.gethelper(pyframe.appfile).call(
+                "normalize_exception", [oe.w_type, oe.w_value])
+            w_value = s.getitem(w_res, s.wrap(1))
+            exc_name = s.getattr(s.getattr(w_value, w('__class__')),
+                                 w('__name__'))
+            exc_type = getattr(__builtin__, s.unwrap(exc_name))
+            # it's a tad annoying we can't fake the traceback
+            raise exc_type(*s.unwrap(s.getattr(w_value, w('args'))))
+class IntTestCase(unittest.TestCase):
     """ enrich TestCase with wrapped-methods """
     def failUnless_w(self, w_condition, msg=None):
@@ -43,3 +106,50 @@
             self.failUnless(e.match(self.space, w_exc_class))
             self.fail('should have got an exception')
+class AppTestCase(IntTestCase):
+    def __init__(self, methodName='runTest'):
+        self.methodName = methodName
+        unittest.TestCase.__init__(self, methodName)
+    def __call__(self, result=None):
+        setattr(self, self.methodName,
+                WrappedFunc(self, getattr(self, self.methodName)))
+        return unittest.TestCase.__call__(self, result)
+    def setUp(self):
+        self.space = testtools.objspace()
+    def app_fail(self, w_self, w_msg=None):
+        msg = self.space.unwrap(w_msg)
+        self.fail(msg)
+    def app_failIf(self, w_self, w_expr, w_msg=None):
+        msg = self.space.unwrap(w_msg)
+        self.failIf_w(w_expr)
+    def app_failUnless(self, w_self, w_expr, w_msg=None):
+        msg = self.space.unwrap(w_msg)
+        self.failUnless_w(w_expr)
+    def app_failUnlessRaises(self, w_self, w_exc_class,
+                             w_callable, *args_w, **kw_w):
+        self.assertWRaises_w(w_exc_class, w_callable, *args_w, **kw_w)
+    def app_failUnlessEqual(self, w_self, w_first, w_second, w_msg=None):
+        msg = self.space.unwrap(w_msg)
+        self.assertEqual_w(w_first, w_second, msg)
+    def app_failIfEqual(self, w_self, w_first, w_second, w_msg=None):
+        msg = self.space.unwrap(w_msg)
+        self.assertNotEqual_w(w_first, w_second, msg)
+    app_assertEqual = app_assertEquals = app_failUnlessEqual
+    app_assertNotEqual = app_assertNotEquals = app_failIfEqual
+    app_assertRaises = app_failUnlessRaises
+    app_assert_ = app_failUnless

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