[pypy-svn] rev 1099 - pypy/trunk/doc

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Mon Jul 7 14:56:31 CEST 2003

Author: lac
Date: Mon Jul  7 14:56:31 2003
New Revision: 1099

More fixes. Now what to say about Annotate Space ?!

Modified: pypy/trunk/doc/oscon2003-paper.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/oscon2003-paper.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/oscon2003-paper.txt	Mon Jul  7 14:56:31 2003
@@ -270,20 +270,20 @@
 The Trivial Object Space
-A PyPy interpreter using the TrivialObjectSpace is an interpreter with
-its own main loop (written in Python), and nothing else.  This main
-loop manipulates real Python objects and all operations are done
-directly on the Python objects. For example, "1" really means "1" and
-when the interpreter encounters the BINARY_ADD bytecode instructions
-the TrivialObjectSpace will just add two real Python objects together
-using Python's "+". The same for lists, dictionaries, classes... We
-just use Python's own.
+A PyPy interpreter using the Trivial Object Space is an
+interpreter with its own main loop (written in Python), and nothing
+else.  This main loop manipulates real Python objects and all
+operations are done directly on the Python objects. For example, "1"
+really means "1" and when the interpreter encounters the BINARY_ADD
+bytecode instructions the Trivial Object Space will just add two real
+Python objects together using Python's "+". The same for lists,
+dictionaries, classes ... we just use Python's own.  Delegate Object
+Space might have been a better name for this Object Space.
 This Object Space is only useful for testing the concept of Object Spaces,
 and our interpreter, or even interpreting different kinds of bytecodes.
-This is already done; it is funny to watch "dis.dis" disassembling itself
-painfully slowly.
+This is already implemented; it is funny to watch *dis.dis* disassembling 
+itself painfully slowly.
 Getting this to work was a goal of the Hildesheim Sprint February 16-23.
 It demonstrated that our Object Space Concept was viable, and that our
@@ -291,34 +291,46 @@
 The Standard Object Space
 The Standard Object Space is the object space that works just like
 Python's, that is, the object space whose black boxes are real Python
-objects that work as expected. This is where the bulk of the work in
-PyPy has been done to date.  Getting the Standard Object Space to
+objects that work as expected. Getting the Standard Object Space to
 work was a goal of the Gothenburg Sprint May 24 - 31.
-Specifically we needed to get this code:
+The Standard Object Space defines an abstract parent class, W_Object,
+and a bunch of subclasses like W_IntObject, W_ListObject, and so on. A
+wrapped object (a *black box* for the interpreter main loop) is thus
+an instance of one of these classes. When the main loop invokes an
+operation, say the addition, between two wrapped objects w1 and w2,
+the StandardObjectSpace does some internal dispatching (similar to
+"Object/ abstract.c" in CPython) and invokes a method of the proper
+W_XyzObject class that can do the operation. The operation itself is
+done with the primitives allowed by Restricted Python. The result is
+constructed as a wrapped object again.
+The following was our first trivial program::
-aStr = 'hello world'
-print len(aStr)
+ ### our first trivial program ###
+ aStr = 'hello world'
+ print len(aStr)
 to run.  We needed types and builtins to work.  This ran, slowly.
-Then we added strings.  Getting this code to work was the second
+We began testing and adding types and builtins.
- ### a trivial program to test strings, lists, functions and methods ###
+Getting this code to work was the second goal.::
+ ### a trivial program to test strings, lists, functions and methods ###
  def addstr(s1,s2):
-    return s1 + s2
+     return s1 + s2
  str = "an interesting string"
  str2 = 'another::string::xxx::y:aa'
  str3 = addstr(str,str2)
- arr = []oscon2003-paper.txt
+ arr = []
  for word in str.split():
-    if word in str2.split('::'):
+     if word in str2.split('::'):
  print ''.join(arr)
  print "str + str2 = ", str3
@@ -327,64 +339,41 @@
 By the end of the Sprint we produced our first Python program that
 ran under PyPy which simply 'did something we wanted to do' and wasn't
-an artificial goal.  Specifically, it calculated the share in foodbill
-for each of the 9 Sprint participants.
-### the first use of PyPy as a tool to do something else ### [#]_
+an artificial goal.  It calculated the week long foodbill, and divided
+the result by the 9 Sprint participants.::
-slips=[(1, 'Kals MatMarkn', 6150, 'Chutney for Curry', 'dinner Saturday'),
-       (2, 'Kals MatMarkn', 32000, 'Spaghetti, Beer', 'dinner Monday'),
-       (2, 'Kals MatMarkn', -810, 'Deposit on Beer Bottles', 'various'),
-       (3, 'Fram', 7700, 'Rice and Curry Spice', 'dinner Saturday'),
-       (23, 'Fram', 2975, 'Potatoes', '3.5 kg @ 8.50SEK'),
-       (23, 'Fram', 1421, 'Peas', 'Thursday dinner'),
-       ...
-       ]
-print (reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [t[2] for t in slips], 0))/900 [#]_
-Pypy said: 603. Dinner for a week cost 603 Swedish Krona -- or approximately
-50$ US.  So if we can't have world domination, or get our Object Space
-to work, a new career in Sprint cost control beckons. :-)
-3.      The Annotate Object Space
-The Annotate Object Space is the next goal.  It is an example of an
-ObjectSpace that differs a lot from StandardObjectSpace.  We have to
-translate the Python code we have into C code. This is the sine qua
-non condition for our work to be actually usable. Quite unexpectedly,
-the major piece of the translator is itself an object space, the
-AnnotateObjectSpace. Its goal is to run any Python code and produce C
-code in the background as it does so.
-Specifically, we take our PyPy interpreter with the Annotate Object
-Space instead of the Standard Object Space, and run that, asking it to
-interpret our generated bytecode. A wrapped object is now the name of
-a variable in the C program we are emitting, for example:
-The add method in the Annotate Object Space takes two variable
-names, x and y, and emits the C code z = x + y; where z is a new variable
-name which is returned as the result of add. (We will  actually need to
-make the wrapped objects a bit more elaborate so that we can also record,
-besides the C variable name, its basic type).
-At the time of this writing, it is not clear whether this is too
-ambitious a goal for the Third Sprint, held in Louvain-la-Neuve,
-Belgium (near Brussels), June 21 - 24 .
+ ### the first real PyPy Program ### [#]_
+ slips=[(1, 'Kals MatMarkn', 6150, 'Chutney for Curry', 'dinner Saturday'),
+        (2, 'Kals MatMarkn', 32000, 'Spaghetti, Beer', 'dinner Monday'),
+        (2, 'Kals MatMarkn', -810, 'Deposit on Beer Bottles', 'various'),
+        (3, 'Fram', 7700, 'Rice and Curry Spice', 'dinner Saturday'),
+        ( ... )
+        (23, 'Fram', 2975, 'Potatoes', '3.5 kg @ 8.50SEK'),
+        (23, 'Fram', 1421, 'Peas', 'Thursday dinner'),]
+ print (reduce(lambda x, y: x+y, [t[2] for t in slips], 0))/900 [#]_
+Pypy said: 603 SEK, or appoximately 50 USD.   Don't believe people who
+tell you that Sprints are too expensive to hold. 
+The Annotation Object Space
+Our third Sprint was held at Louvain-la-Neuve, Belgium (near
+Brussels), June 21 - 24.  Great progress was made with the The
+Annotation Object Space, and began abstract, symbolic interpretation.
-More details on how we actually do this stuff.
-A crucial concept is Multimethods  (yanked from the wiki)
+Current plans are to get the Annotation Object Space to emit Pyrex.
 Interpreter-level classes correspond to implementations of
 application-level types.  The hierarchy among the classes used for the
 implementations is convenient for implementation purposes. It is not
 related to any application-level type hierarchy.
 Multimethods dispatch by looking in a set of registered
 functions. Each registered function has a signature, which defines
 which object implementation classes are accepted at the corresponding
@@ -399,7 +388,6 @@
 argument. For example it should not be stored in a data structure, nor
 be queried for type, nor be used for another multimethod dispatch --
 the only thing you should do is read and write its internal data.
-[[FIXME: discuss w/Samuele & Armin]]
 For example, 'getattr(obj, attr)' is implemented with a W_StringObject
 second argument when all it needs is just the name of the attr, and
@@ -407,6 +395,7 @@
 Delegation is a transparent convertion mechanism between object
 implementations. The convertion can give a result of a different type
@@ -423,7 +412,7 @@
 the process might require some work.
 Types are implemented by the class W_TypeObject. This is where
 inheritance and the Method Resolution Order are defined, and where
 attribute look-ups are done.
@@ -440,7 +429,7 @@
 W_UserObject -> int delegator.
 Specifics of multimethods
 Multimethods dispatch more-specific-first, left-to-right (i.e. if
 there is an exact match for the first argument it will always be tried
@@ -457,7 +446,7 @@
 they return an object of an already-seen class.
 The register() method of multimethods adds a function to its database
 of functions, with the given signature. A function that raises
 FailedToImplement causes the next match to be tried.
@@ -472,7 +461,7 @@
 A priority ordering between delegators is used. See objspace.PRIORITY_*.
 The code in multimethod.py is not supposed to be read by the
 translator-to-C. Special optimized code will be generated instead
 (typically some kind of precomputed dispatch tables).
@@ -482,7 +471,7 @@
 the chaining and loop detection can be done in advance.
 Multimethod slicing
 Multimethods are visible to user code as (bound or unbound) methods
 defined for the corresponding types. (At some point built-in functions
 like len() and the operator.xxx() should really directly map to the
@@ -504,6 +493,10 @@
 Some multimethods can also be sliced along their second argument,
 e.g. for __radd__().
+<Write me please>
 .. [#] The PyPy homespage: http://www.codespeak.net/pypy/
 .. [#] See for instance, *lunacy* http://www.nightmare.com/~rushing/lunacy/
 .. [#] The Squeak homespage: http://www.squeak.org/

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