[pypy-svn] rev 1090 - pypy/trunk/doc

lac at codespeak.net lac at codespeak.net
Sun Jul 6 23:35:43 CEST 2003

Author: lac
Date: Sun Jul  6 23:35:43 2003
New Revision: 1090

Improved the text.  Still cannot get headings that I like.  I would like lots
of my headings to be a lot smaller than what we get now.  Goals could be
big, but I want the small headings small.  And this is hard going.  I will
see if sleep improves me.

Modified: pypy/trunk/doc/oscon2003-paper.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/oscon2003-paper.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/oscon2003-paper.txt	Sun Jul  6 23:35:43 2003
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
 Implementing Python in Python 
 A report from the PyPy project
 The PyPy_ [#]_ project aims at producing a simple runtime-system for
 the Python_ language, written in Python_ itself.  **C** and **Lisp**
@@ -31,10 +31,7 @@
 Eventually, we would like to produce a faster Python_ , which should
 please all.  We are very far from that now, because speed is a distant
 goal.  So far we have only worked on making PyPy_ *simple* and
-How have we set about it
 Most of you know what happens if you type::
@@ -53,12 +50,13 @@
 This raises an interesting question.  What would *doing more of those*  
 mean?  The PyPy_ project takes one approach.
 In a Python-like language, a running interpreter has three main parts:
   * the main loop, which suffles data around and calls the operations defined in the object library according to the bytecode.
-  * the compiler, which represents the static optimization of the source code into an intermediate format, the bytecode;
+  * the compiler, which represents the static optimization of the source code into an intermediate format, the bytecode;  and
   * the object library, implementing the various types of objects and their semantics;
 In PyPy, the three parts are clearly separated and can be replaced
@@ -73,32 +71,73 @@
 We call the separable object library, an *Object Space*.
 We call *Wrapped Objects* the black boxes of an Object Space.
-But the exciting thing is that while existing languages implement _one_
+One exciting thing is that while existing languages implement _one_
 Object Space, by separating things we have produced an architecture
 which will enable us to run more than one Object Space in the same
-interpreter at the same time.  This idea has some exciting implications.
+interpreter at the same time.  This idea has some interesting implications.
+But first let us dream for a bit.  (Aside from having fun, why should
+we spend our time writing PyPy?
+or Dreams, if you prefer
+A Slimmer Python
+People who write code for handhelds and other embedded devices often wish
+that they could have a much smaller footprint.  Now they can ask for a
+Tiny Object Space which only implements the behaviour which they need, 
+and skips the parts that they do not.
+A Smarter, more Dynamic Interpreter
+There is no reason why your Python_ interpreter could not keep statistics
+of how it is being used, and automatically select from a collection of
+algorithms the one which is best suited for the data at hand.
-So let us dream for a bit.
+Multiple, Dynamically changing Implementations of a single type
-First dream: How do you get computer science concepts in language design more effectively into student brains?
-Traditionally, academics come up with interesting new ideas and
-concepts, but, to the extent that they are truly new end up creating
-another language to express these ideas in.  Unfortunately, many
-languages end up merely as a vehicle for too few new ideas.  We end up
-force-feeding our poor students with too many computer languages, too
-quickly -- each language designed to teach a particular point.  And
-many of our languages are particularly weak on everything _but_ the
-point we wish to make.
+Consider the question: *What is the best way to implement a dict*?
+The answer depends on how much data you intend to store in your dict.
+If you never expect your dict to have more than a half dozen items, a
+really fast list may be best.  Larger dicts might best be implemented
+as hashes.  And for storing enormous amounts of data, a binary tree
+might be just what you desire.  In principle, there is
+nothing to stop your interpreter from keeping statistics on how it is
+being used, and to move from strategy to strategy at runtime.  You
+could implement this in CPython, but we intend to make it a lot
+*easier* to do this in PyPy_ to encourage such experimentation.
+A better teaching vehicle
+Academic computer science is littered with tiny teaching languages.
+Every time we get a few new ideas in language design or pedagogical
+theory we itch to create a language to express these ideas.  While
+understandable, this is wasteful.  Many languages  are implemented which
+are more novel than useful, and too many are begun with insufficient
+new ideas.  We end up force-feeding our poor students with too many
+computer languages, too quickly -- each language designed to teach a
+particular point.  And many of our languages are particularly weak on
+everything *except* the point we wish to make.
+In reaction, many students desire to only learn **commercially
+successful** languages.  While they avoid trivial languages, some of them
+avoid learning Computer Science  altogether.  They learn how to program,
+but that is about it.  There has got to be a better way.
 Things would go a lot more smoothly if we could only create an Object
-Space which obeys the new rules we have thought up, and drop it into
-an existing language.  Comparisons between other ways of doing things
-would also be a lot simpler.  Finally, we could reasonably ask our
-students to implement these ideas in Python_ and let them drop them in,
-leaving all the other bits, irrelevant for our educational purposes as
-they already are written.  There is no better way to learn about
-compiler writing, than writing compilers, but a lot of todays
+Space which obeys the new rules we have thought up, and drop it into a
+successful existing language.  Comparisons between other ways of doing
+things would also be a lot simpler.  Finally, we could reasonably ask
+our students to **implement** these ideas in Python_ modifying the
+interpreter but leaving all the other bits, irrelevant for our educational
+purposes as they already are.  There is no better way to learn
+about compiler writing, than writing compilers, but a lot of todays
 education in compiler writing leaves a huge gap between 'the theory
 that is in the book which the student is expected to learn' and 'what
 is reasonable for a student to implement as coursework'.  Students can
@@ -110,24 +149,8 @@
 Object Spaces will provide a better fit between the the abstract
 concepts we wish to teach and the code written to implement just that.
-Dream number Two: A Slimmer Python
-People who write code for handhelds and other embedded devices often wish
-that they could have a much smaller footprint.  Now they can ask for a
-Tiny Object Space which only implements the behaviour which they need, 
-and skips the parts that they do not.
-Dream number Three -- Multiple, Dynamically changing Implementations of a single type
-This depends on how much data you intend to store in your dict.  If you
-never expect your dict to have more than a half dozen items, a really
-fast list may be best.  Larger dicts might best be implemented as
-hashes.  And for storing enormous amounts of data, a binary tree
-might be just what you would be interested in.  In principel, there is
-nothing to stop your interpreter from keeping statistics on how it is
-being used, and to move from strategy to strategy at runtime.
 Dream number Four -- You might want to change how operators work, as well
@@ -156,12 +179,6 @@
 that the computation was too strenuous for such a device, and automatically
 forward the computation to a machine with more computational power.
-Dream number Seven -- A Smarter, more Dynamic Interpreter
-There is no reason why your Python_ interpreter could not keep statistics
-of how it is being used, and automatically select from a collection of
-algorithms the one which is best suited for the data at hand.
 Dream number Eight -- How to avoid painful conversion of your code base to new versions of the language.
@@ -263,7 +280,7 @@
 an artificial goal.  Specifically, it calculated the share in foodbill
 for each of the 9 Sprint participants.
-### the first use of PyPy as a tool to do something else ###
+### the first use of PyPy as a tool to do something else ### [#]_
 slips=[(1, 'Kals MatMarkn', 6150, 'Chutney for Curry', 'dinner Saturday'),
        (2, 'Kals MatMarkn', 32000, 'Spaghetti, Beer', 'dinner Monday'),
@@ -474,7 +491,7 @@
    There should be one-- and preferably only one --obvious way to do it.
    Although that way may not be obvious at first unless you're Dutch.
    Now is better than never.
-   Although never is often better than **right** now.
+   Although never is often better than _right_ now.
    If the implementation is hard to explain, it's a bad idea.
    If the implementation is easy to explain, it may be a good idea.
    Namespaces are one honking great idea -- let's do more of those!*

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