[pypy-svn] rev 2597 - pypy/trunk/doc/devel

pmaupin at codespeak.net pmaupin at codespeak.net
Fri Dec 19 18:13:57 CET 2003

Author: pmaupin
Date: Fri Dec 19 18:13:56 2003
New Revision: 2597

Minor cleanup, and add exhortation to help

Modified: pypy/trunk/doc/devel/howtopypy.txt
--- pypy/trunk/doc/devel/howtopypy.txt	(original)
+++ pypy/trunk/doc/devel/howtopypy.txt	Fri Dec 19 18:13:56 2003
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@
    the same as the Python prompt, but with an extra ">".
    The "-S" given on the command line insructs the PyPy interpreter
-   to use the Standard_ `object space`_.  PyPy has the concept of different
-   object spaces, but the standard space is the one which contains
+   to use the `Standard object space`_.  PyPy has the concept of different
+   object spaces_, but the standard space is the one which contains
    the "real" Python interpreter.
@@ -89,11 +89,16 @@
    and the wiki_, and consider subscribing to the `mailing lists`_ (or simply
    read the archives online) or communicating via irc.freenode.net:6667, channel #pypy.
+8. To help PyPy become Python-the-next-generation, write some `unit tests`_ and
+   file some `bug reports`_!
-.. _subversion:      http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/howtosvn.html
-.. _Standard:        http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/objspace/stdobjspace.html
-.. _object space:    http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/objspace/objspace.html
-.. _mailing lists:   http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?lists
-.. _documentation:   http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc
-.. _wiki:            http://codespeak.net/moin/pypy/moin.cgi/FrontPage?action=show
\ No newline at end of file
+.. _subversion:             http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/howtosvn.html
+.. _Standard object space:  http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/objspace/stdobjspace.html
+.. _spaces:                 http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/objspace/objspace.html
+.. _mailing lists:          http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?lists
+.. _documentation:          http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc
+.. _wiki:                   http://codespeak.net/moin/pypy/moin.cgi/FrontPage?action=show
+.. _unit tests:             http://codespeak.net/pypy/index.cgi?doc/devel/testdesign.html
+.. _bug reports:            http://codespeak.net/issues/pypy/

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