[pypy-svn] rev 2474 - pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool

hpk at codespeak.net hpk at codespeak.net
Thu Dec 18 11:12:01 CET 2003

Author: hpk
Date: Thu Dec 18 11:12:00 2003
New Revision: 2474

      - copied unchanged from rev 2464, pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool/pydis.py
rename pydis to make room for our version of dis (will be named pydis.py) 

Deleted: /pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool/pydis.py
--- /pypy/trunk/src/pypy/tool/pydis.py	Thu Dec 18 11:12:00 2003
+++ (empty file)
@@ -1,144 +0,0 @@
-import autopath
-import repr
-from pypy.interpreter.pycode import PyCode
-from pypy.objspace.std import StdObjSpace
-from pypy.objspace.trivial import TrivialObjSpace
-from pypy.objspace.trace import Trace
-def get_repr():
-    " Our own repr function for pretty print. "
-    repr_obj = repr.Repr()
-    repr_obj.maxstring = 120
-    repr_obj.maxother = 120
-    def our_repr(*args):
-        try:
-            return repr_obj.repr(*args)
-        except:
-            return "ERROR"
-    return our_repr
-def rpretty_print(spacedump):
-    " Pretty print for rdump() calls to Trace object spaces. "
-    Repr = get_repr()
-    for operation, bytecodes in spacedump:
-        for opcode, opname, oparg, ins_idx in bytecodes:
-            print "\t%s\t%s\t\t%s"  % (ins_idx, opname, oparg) 
-        if operation is not None:
-            op_name = operation[0]
-            args = operation[1:]
-            print " ***\t", op_name, " ->",
-            for a in args:
-                print Repr(a),
-            print
-def add_func(space, func, w_globals):
-    """ Add a function to globals. """
-    func_name = func.func_name
-    w_func_name = space.wrap(func_name)
-    w_func = space.wrap(func)
-    space.setitem(w_globals, w_func_name, w_func)
-def run_in_space(space, func, *args):
-    # Get execution context and globals
-    ec = space.getexecutioncontext()
-    w_globals = ec.make_standard_w_globals()
-    # Add the function to globals
-    add_func(space, func, w_globals)
-    # Create wrapped args
-    args_w = [space.wrap(ii) for ii in args]
-    code = func.func_code
-    code = PyCode()._from_code(code)
-    # Create frame
-    frame = code.create_frame(space, w_globals)
-    frame.setfastscope(args_w)
-    # start/stop tracing while running frame
-    space.start_tracing()
-    res = frame.run()
-    space.stop_tracing()
-    return res
-def pretty_print(spacedump):
-    " Pretty print for rdump() calls to Trace object spaces. "
-    Repr = get_repr()
-    for line in spacedump:
-        ((opcode, opname, arg, ins_idx), spaceops) = line
-        start = "%4i %s " % (ins_idx, opname)
-        start = start + " " * (20 - len(start)) + str(arg)
-        start = start + " " * (30 - len(start))
-        if not spaceops:
-            print start
-        else:
-            op = spaceops.pop(0)
-            print start
-            for op_name, args in spaceops:
-                print " " * 30, op_name, Repr(args)
-def _trace_function(space, reverse_pretty_print_flag, fn, *arg, **kwds):
-    res = run_in_space(space, fn, *arg, **kwds)
-    if reverse_pretty_print_flag:
-        # Get reverse dump
-        spacedump = space.rdump()
-        # Pretty print dump
-        rpretty_print(spacedump)
-    else:
-        # Get dump
-        spacedump = space.dump()
-        # Pretty dump
-        pretty_print(spacedump)
-    return res
-def trace_function(trace_space, fn, *arg, **kwds):
-    return _trace_function(trace_space, False, fn, *arg, **kwds)
-def rtrace_function(trace_space, fn, *arg, **kwds):
-    return _trace_function(trace_space, True, fn, *arg, **kwds)
-def trace_function2(space, fn, *arg, **kwds):
-    return _trace_function(Trace(space), False, fn, *arg, **kwds)
-def rtrace_function2(space, fn, *arg, **kwds):
-    return _trace_function(Trace(space), True, fn, *arg, **kwds)
-## # Create space
-## if __name__ == "__main__":
-##     try:
-##         import readline
-##     except ImportError:
-##         pass
-##     from pypy.tool import option
-##     from pypy.tool import test
-##     args = option.process_options(option.get_standard_options(),
-##                                   option.Options)
-##     objspace = option.objspace()
-##     def run(*args, **kwds):
-##     def run_function(space, func, *args):
-##     from pypy.objspace.std import StdObjSpace
-##     space = Trace(StdObjSpace)

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