[pyOpenSSL-Users] [egenix-info] Python 3 support --was: Re: ANN: eGenix pyOpenSSL Distribution 0.13.12

eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg info at egenix.com
Tue Dec 8 06:53:05 EST 2015

Hi Axel,

we are providing this distribution as service for people who use
Python 2.4-2.7.

You are probably better off using the PyCA version of pyopenssl
for the time being.

We will issue Python 3 versions of our distribution as soon as we
have ported our software to Python 3. This is an ongoing process,
but will take more time than anticipated (porting Python C extensions
to Python 3 is a lot of work and we have lots of C extensions).

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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   eGenix.com Software, Skills and Services GmbH  Pastor-Loeh-Str.48
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On 08.12.2015 12:39, Axel J. Rau wrote:
> Hi eGenix Team,
> Thanks for providing this distribution, but it is useless for us.
> After a half year, the question again: When will your distro support Python 3.x?
> The original pyopenssl is in production here with Python 3.4
> All Python projects, startet here in last 3 years are Pythone 3 projects.
>> Am 08.12.2015 um 10:25 schrieb eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg <info at egenix.com>:
>> ________________________________________________________________________
>>                   eGenix.com pyOpenSSL Distribution
>>                            Version 0.13.12
>> Am 16.06.2015 um 10:19 schrieb eGenix Team: M.-A. Lemburg <info at egenix.com>:
>>>                 eGenix.com pyOpenSSL Distribution
>>>                           Version 0.13.10
>> Any plans to support Python 3.x ?
> Regards, Axel Rau

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