[pyOpenSSL-Users] PKCS12 -passout

Colin Vallance crvallance at gmail.com
Wed Feb 20 15:30:09 CET 2013

Hi list,

I've been playing with pyopenssl lately to try to create an easy, cross
platform, fronted for a cert creation process I use frequently.  I have the
CSR piece working wonderfully but I'm running in to a snag in the PKCS12
department.  The commands I'm attempting to replicate are below,
specifically the part I can't seem to figure out is the -passout option.
Does anyone know if I'm just missing something, if this is implemented in
any way, if a fork exists with this implemented, or potentially (and
regrettably for me) it's not likely to ever see the light of day.  Thanks
in advance!

openssl>pkcs12 -export -in CA.pem -inkey mykey.pem -out CA.p12 -clcerts
-passin pass:check123 -passout pass:check123
openssl>pkcs12 -in CA.p12 -out final.pem -passin pass:check123 -passout

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