[pyOpenSSL] Moving to a new list

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Fri Dec 14 11:14:40 CET 2012

Hi Jean-Paul,

I find a couple of minor issues with the move you are suggesting:

 * The launchpad list is *very* hard to find on the project

   It's hidden away in the "Answers" tab in a small box named
   "Answer contacts for pyOpenSSL", which then finally let's
   you arrive at:


 * You have to be a team member to subscribe to the list

   I don't know what other implications "team member" has, but
   at the very least you have to sign up on Launchpad to subscribe
   to the mailing list, which is not required for the SF list.

 * The subscriber list is publicly visible, unlike for the SF

   This is not a major bummer, but certainly a privacy issue
   for some.

This can all be fixed, I suppose (I don't know anything about
LP mailing list configurations).

To make the transition smooth, I'd suggest to get the SF mailing
list archive imported into LP, configure the LP mailing list
like the SF one (no public membership roster, no LP signup
requirement) and put a link to the mailing list right on the
project's overview page.

Then switch off the SF list, to avoid cross postings to both

BTW: What benefit do you see in switching mailing list hosts ?
Why not use python.org as host instead of LP or SF ? (I can
help with a python.org transition)

Marc-Andre Lemburg

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