[pyOpenSSL] Getting a pyOpenSSL client to use SSL session resume.

lozierd at comcast.net lozierd at comcast.net
Wed Jan 19 02:23:49 CET 2011

I've been trying with no success to get my pyOpenSSL client to use SSL session resume when making several connections sucessively (http requests) to a Tomcat application server. I'm pretty sure everything is fine on the server end since I have several other clients making the same requests and they are all able to do session resume. 

For the first connection I create the ssl context. Then I just reuse it for subsequent requests 

# Just do this for the first and then reuse the context for subsequent connections. 
ssl_context = SSL.Context(SSL.SSLv23_METHOD) 

# Do this for every connection 
sock = socket.create_connection((self.host, self.port), self.timeout) 
sslconn = SSL.Connection(ssl_context, sock) 

Thanks in advance, 

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