[pyOpenSSL] pyOpenSSL 0.12a1

exarkun at twistedmatrix.com exarkun at twistedmatrix.com
Fri Apr 8 01:22:47 CEST 2011

Hello all,

I'm working on a new pyOpenSSL release.  There are various sorts of 
pyOpenSSL 0.12a1 packages at 
<http://twistedmatrix.com/~exarkun/pyopenssl/>, and it would be great to 
get some testing of these before I make a final release of 0.12.

This is a small bugfix and feature release.  The near complete changelog 

2011-04-06  Jean-Paul Calderone  <exarkun at twistedmatrix.com>

      * OpenSSL/crypto/x509.c: Add get_extension_count and get_extension
        to the X509 type, allowing read access to certificate extensions.

      * OpenSSL/crypto/x509ext.c: Add get_short_name and get_data to the
        X509Extension type, allowing read access to the contents of an

2011-03-21  Olivier Hervieu <lp:~ohe>

      * OpenSSL/ssl/ssl.c: Expose a number of symbolic constants for
        values passed to the connection "info" callback.

2011-01-22  Jean-Paul Calderone  <exarkun at twistedmatrix.com>

      * OpenSSL/ssl/connection.py: Add support for new-style
        buffers (primarily memoryviews) to Connection.send and

Also, as a reminder, there is now a pyOpenSSL list hosted on Launchpad. 
At some point I will stop sending announcements to this sourceforge 
list. :)


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