[pyOpenSSL] [ANN] pyOpenSSL 0.10

Matěj Cepl mcepl at redhat.com
Fri Nov 13 22:09:23 CET 2009

Dne 13.11.2009 18:23, exarkun at twistedmatrix.com napsal(a):
> pyOpenSSL 0.10 exposes several more OpenSSL APIs, including support for 
> running TLS connections over in-memory BIOs, access to the OpenSSL 
> random number generator, the ability to pass subject and issuer 
> parameters when creating an X509Extension instance, more control over 
> PKCS12 creation and an API for exporting PKCS12 objects, and APIs for 
> controlling the client CA list servers send to clients.

Is there a hope that we could get ever exported AES and RSA from
openSSL. I am interested in gajim (PyGtk XMPP client) which currently
uses for these two algorithms (and now only for them, the rest of
security is done through pyOpenSSL or native python methods)
python-crypto which contains its own C-implementations of AES and RSA. I
hate this independent (and I would expect not much tested and
maintained, certainly in comparison with openSSL library) solution.

There seems to me two solutions to this problem: a) to persuade you (or
somebody, I am not a C programmer) to implement bindings for these two
algorithms in pyOpenSSL, b) port whole gajim to m2crypto, which IIRC has
also only bindings for openSSL (not its own implementations). Of course,
I would prefer the first solution.

Is there a hope?


http://www.ceplovi.cz/matej/, Jabber: mcepl<at>ceplovi.cz
GPG Finger: 89EF 4BC6 288A BF43 1BAB  25C3 E09F EF25 D964 84AC

To err is human, to purr feline.

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