[pyOpenSSL] Python core dumps when using pyOpenSSL 0.8.0 and threads

M.-A. Lemburg mal at egenix.com
Wed Mar 18 21:38:49 CET 2009

On 2009-03-17 19:57, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
>>> Storing the thread state in some application data object is not a
>>> good approach, since there's nothing preventing some other thread
>> >from restoring the thread state saved by the thread that just
>>> released the lock.
>>> By contrast, the above macros will add a local stack variable and
>>> store the thread state there, so it's not possible for another
>>> thread to accidentally restore a thread state that it doesn't
>>> own.
>> Right.  That's why I changed pyOpenSSL /from/ doing that (prior to 0.8)
>> to using thread local storage instead (0.8).  However, it seems there's
>> some bug in the thread local storage version of the locking scheme.
> Perhaps it's related to this notice of caution in thread.c:
> """
> Use PyThread_set_key_value(thekey, value) to associate void* value with
> thekey in the current thread.  Each thread has a distinct mapping of thekey
> to a void* value.  Caution:  if the current thread already has a mapping
> for thekey, value is ignored.
> """
> If value is ignored, MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS() won't save the current
> thread state, but leave the old one in place.
> It's also possible for this API to fail in case of a memory issue,
> but the macro doesn't check for this, so the application may end
> up not storing anything at all.
> MY_END_ALLOW_THREADS() needs to remove the stored TLS value in order
> to make room for the next MY_BEGIN_ALLOW_THREADS() call.
> Note that I'm not sure using TLS is a good idea: the implementations
> are highly platform dependent and may have undocumented/unwanted
> side-effects.
> IMHO, it's safer to store the thread id together with the tstate
> itself in the context and then check whether the thread id matches
> before restoring the state.
> This has the additional benefit of making some form of error
> raising possible in order to inform the programmer of the obvious
> mistake in using the connections from multiple threads,
> even if it's just a plain fprintf(stderr, ...).

For better or worse, we have found that even the patch on SF doesn't
fix the problem in all cases:

While we no longer get segfaults on the second SSL request to
a server application using the patched pyOpenSSL 0.8.0, we still
get immediate segfaults if two clients try to access the server
at the same time. This time around the problem shows up on Windows.

Only going back to pyOpenSSL 0.7 solved both issues.

I guess the reason for this is that pyOpenSSL 0.7 stores the
thread state in the connection rather than the context as does
the SF patch.

Do you have any information on whether the context in OpenSSL is
thread-safe ?

The FAQ entry for OpenSSL only mentions connections:

Note that it also mentions two callbacks that have to be initialized
for multi-threaded applications: CRYPTO_set_locking_callback() and
CRYPTO_set_id_callback() which pyOpenSSL does not set.

Unfortunately, the man page explaining these is not very helpful:


Marc-Andre Lemburg

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