[pyOpenSSL] Patch for pyOpenSSL adding wrappers for ciphers, hashes, etc.

Dave Cridland dave at cridland.net
Mon Mar 16 23:35:02 CET 2009

On Mon Mar 16 21:02:53 2009, M.-A. Lemburg wrote:
> There's a patch available for pyOpenSSL which appears to be  
> originating
> from an older pyOpenSSL branch started by Dave Cridland:
> http://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.php?func=detail&aid=2591835&group_id=31249&atid=401760
Other way around, I applied it on my fork.

Actually, quite a lot of stuff is not mine, the only bits that are  
are a few additional API points in the Connection object, and most  
importantly the ability to pass in non-socket, Python file protocol  

> This is the SVN repo of Dave's branch:
> http://trac.dave.cridland.net/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/browser/projects/pyopenssl
> The patch mentions these authors:
> +# Copyright 2006 Dave Cridland. See COPYING for rights

Tick. Although more properly 2006-2007

> +# Copyright 2006 Arnaud Desmons


> +# Copyright 2005 Keyphrene

I applied this patch in 2006 (in two commits, because I fu... didn't  
quite get things right). I'm not strictly sure, therefore, that this  
date is right without going back.

> Keyphrene contributed the wrappers for the EVP APIs (high level  
> interface
> to ciphers, hashes, digests, etc).
Yup. Revs 696 and 697.

> Dave Cridland has extended the SSL part of pyOpenSSL.
Yup. Basically rev 683, plus a bunch of stuff to fix bugs I put in  
that, plus 755 (which is sessions, and largely untested in anger).

> Arnaud Desmons is not mentioned anywhere in the patch, so it's not
> clear what he contributed, but he appears in the Keyphrene patch for
> the first time:
> http://trac.dave.cridland.net/cgi-bin/trac.cgi/changeset/696
Yes, because he hadn't added himself in, and I noticed only then. His  
patch is 695.

Keyphrene.com's work was published on their website, I merely noticed  
it and incorporated it into my code for the convenience of having all  
these patches in one place.

Arnaud's patch was sent to this list.

> The license on the patch is LGPL 2.1, just like for pyOpenSSL  
> itself.
For my changes, I'll BSD, or whatever else people want. I'm not a  
particular fan of this work being LGPL in the first place, but it's  
all too late to change now.

> Any chance of getting at least part of this merged into pyOpenSSL ?

It'd be nice - I still use this fork, actually, mainly out of  
lethargy - but it mostly dates from a time when I needed to do  
byte-counting on TLS sessions, and all sorts, as part of my work. I  
don't have such a pressing need now.

If there's interest in the code, I'll cheerfully rebase it onto the  
current tree.

Hmmm, I came over all git then, but you know what I mean.

Dave Cridland - mailto:dave at cridland.net - xmpp:dwd at dave.cridland.net
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Infotrope Polymer - ACAP, IMAP, ESMTP, and Lemonade

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