[pyOpenSSL] CRL & PKCS12 patch

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Sat Jul 18 03:55:01 CEST 2009

On Mon, 13 Jul 2009 23:06:04 +0100, Phil Mayers <p.mayers at imperial.ac.uk> wrote:
>> Looking at <https://code.launchpad.net/pyopenssl>, I see that there are
>> presently four different branches related to either CRL or PKCS12.
>>   lp:~exarkun/pyopenssl/pkcs12-crl
>>   lp:~arnaud-desmons/pyopenssl/pkcs12
>>   lp:~rick-fdd/pyopenssl/pkcs12_mod_and_export
>>   lp:~sebvieira/pyopenssl/pkcs12-crl-0.8
>I believe at least 3 of those are actually the same patch; numbers 1 &
>2, and 3 is a forward-port to 0.8
>My work was just a quick port (again) of the 0.8 branch to the 0.9
>release code.

Hm, if I'd had my head on straight, I would have pinged Rick (owner of
branch number 3) and made sure he coordinated with you in this effort.
Instead, I only just now realized that you and he have some PKCS12
overlap in the work you're doing.

Looking at his branch (not the one above though, he has since created
a newer one with a "2" on the end) and yours, I think his PKCS12 code
is more complete overall.  However, it could still benefit from some of
the things your version does (you have better type checking code, I

I'm going to point him at your work along with my other feedback.

Once the PKCS12 stuff is out of the way, I'll dig into the CRL parts
of your branch more (I've still only just skimmed them).

There is currently a PKCS12 ticket, I see:


I also now see that there is a ticket which talks about CRLs!  The summary
didn't make this obvious so I missed/forget about it.  It has a patch
attached which I haven't looked at at all yet.  The ticket is


And to keep things interesting, it sounds like it mixes in a bunch of PKCS7

> [snip]
>Do you have C indent preferences?

I wish I did.  I think I'm leaning towards 4 space indents.  However, if
you're modifying existing code, go with the local prevailing convention.
I'm trying to keep things consistent, but I'm sure I'm failing at that in

Apologies again for not pointing out those two tickets in my previous


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