[pyOpenSSL] DLL load failed.

patrick flaherty patf at well.com
Mon Apr 20 23:57:00 CEST 2009

Hello Jean-Paul

> Ah.  This is because of the OpenSSL library not being loadable.  If you
> copy ssleay32.a into the Python library directory, C:\python26\Lib\ I
> think, then Windows will find it and the error should be resolved.
> I hope that the next release of pyOpenSSL will include a Windows installer
> which deals with this automatically.
> Let me know how it goes,
> Jean-Paul

No (alas) that didn't work.

So after I'd copied ssleay32.a to c:\python26\lib, I then had it both there
and in c:\python26\libs (where you need it for the build).

c:\python26\lib is, of course, in my Windows PATH.

thanx - pat

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