[pyOpenSSL] DLL load failed.

Jean-Paul Calderone exarkun at divmod.com
Mon Apr 20 22:46:09 CEST 2009

On Mon, 20 Apr 2009 13:39:47 -0700, patrick flaherty <patf at well.com> wrote:
>I was /assuming/ that the import problem was the last of the four modules - 
>tsafe - since I could see that the other
>3 pyd files were visibly there.  And as I looked for tsafe last Friday, I 
>didn't find it.
>But as I look more today, yes, tsafe.py/pyc is in place as well.
>I seem to be having problems with finding any of these modules (upon import 
>that is).  I've tried many variants (of reconfiguring things in various 
>ways), but
>I keep getting:
>Traceback (most recent call last):
>  File "L:\pf\Python\pyOpenSSL\examples\mk_simple_certs.py", line 5, in 
>    from OpenSSL import crypto
>  File "c:\python26\Lib\site-packages\OpenSSL\__init__.py", line 8, in 
>    import SSL, crypto, rand, tsafe
>ImportError: DLL load failed: The specified module could not be found.

Ah.  This is because of the OpenSSL library not being loadable.  If you
copy ssleay32.a into the Python library directory, C:\python26\Lib\ I
think, then Windows will find it and the error should be resolved.

I hope that the next release of pyOpenSSL will include a Windows installer
which deals with this automatically.

Let me know how it goes,


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