[pyOpenSSL] Trying to build pyOpenSSL on windows (mingw vs MS compiler).

patrick flaherty patf at well.com
Fri Apr 17 19:18:14 CEST 2009


Whether I use a cmd window (DOS) or a cygwin bash shell, I seem in both 
cases to get the MS compiler.

This compiles the first two modules:  crypto.obj and x509.obj.  But  it 
(the MS compiler [VS 2008]) chokes on x509name.c

x509name.c(16): error C2133: 'crypto_X509Name_methods' : unknown size.

My guess is that what I need that I need to be using mingw instead of 
the MS compiler.

But what I can't figure out is how to get setup.py to _use_ mingw 
instead of the VS 2008 compiler?

thanx - pat

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