[pyOpenSSL] Getting the next cert in hierarchy

Sebastian Greatful sebastianthegreatful at gmail.com
Sat Sep 20 12:55:05 CEST 2008

As part of my verification I'm trying to retrieve the email embedded in the
certificate. However it returns None


I'm using the code below where _verify is the callback pass as the second
argument to the set_verify method of a context object.

Judging from this,, screenshot it
seems like I need to get the second certificate in the certificate
hierarchy. but how do I access it?


31         def _verify(self, conn, cert, errno, depth, retcode):


<snip />


38                 print cert.get_issuer().emailAddress

 39                 self.accessRights.read = True

 40                 self.accessRights.write = True

 41                 return retcode


Best regards,



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