[pyOpenSSL] time for a fork

glyph at divmod.com glyph at divmod.com
Wed May 2 06:33:39 CEST 2007

pyopenssl.sf.net has been moribund for almost 3 years now.

Tickets like this:


and this:


are starting to crop up on various projects which use pyopenssl.

Personally I've discovered, investigated, worked around, and forgotten 
at least half a dozen pyopenssl bugs because it seems like there's no 
activity here.  I really should have reported them, and I suspect that 
there are others in the same boat, not reporting bugs because they 
assume there's no one around to integrate patches and do a release.

I have seen a few messages on this list in the last few years indicating 
that folks are starting to maintain some forks.  Given that the 
maintainer seems to have moved on completely, if anyone is listening to 
this list, I think it's time for someone to take over maintenance, start 
a new website, and continue development / releases of pyopenssl 
somewhere else.

Hopefully someone involved in such an effort could eventually get 
someone else to hand over the keys to the sf.net project so that the 
website here can be updated, but the important thing is to start 
pointing the community somewhere else for recent versions of pyopenssl.
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