[pyOpenSSL] PyOpenSSL patches and stuff

Junglecow pyopenssl.xlist.tbnt at 9ox.net
Thu Nov 23 15:29:48 CET 2006

On Wed, Nov 22, 2006 at 08:24:01PM +0000, Dave Cridland wrote:

> My little email client, Polymer, has been using PyOpenSSL for a 
> while. I've been missing certain functionality, so I've patched it in 
> as best I can. I'd like to guage interest in putting the patch into 
> the main distribution.

Hello Dave,

Your patch seems very useful to me. I am currently adding PyOpenSSL to
Gajim, and I have missed some functionality as well, especially getting
the current cipher name.

By the way, if anyone is interested in that OpenSSL.SSL.Error 'first num
too large' problem: I am now treating it like a WantRead/WantWrite
exception, i.e. basically just ignoring it, which seems to work fine.
However, I don't feel good about ignoring an error which I don't
understand and for which I can find no documentation.

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