[pyOpenSSL] Error using pyOpenSSL with IE and https

Ola Natvig ola at o-team.net
Thu Aug 19 23:05:39 CEST 2004


I am building a threaded ssl webserver, using pyOpenSSL. It works well with
Opera, but I encounter big problems
with IE and some minor once with Mozilla. When I connect to my server with
IE and tries to read from the connection 
an exeption are raised:

SysCallError: (-1, 'Unexpected EOF')

In the line whom I call "connection.recv(1024)"

In mozilla reading from the socket works fine, but I encounter problems
while trying to POST to the server,
Mozilla displays the errormassage "This document contain no data", the
headers are sent but the body of the request are empty, and the same form
works well when I post to the same server with Opera.

I hope someone out there have some solutions to my problems.
I am currently running the server on a Windows XP computer and I installed
pyOpenSSL using the windows installer supplied at the Twisted website.

Ola Natvig

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