[pyOpenSSL] memory leak?

Zoltan Felleg zoltan.felleg at user.hu
Mon Jan 6 17:31:17 CET 2003

hello list,

i have a problem with pyOpenSSL, as follows:
if i create a network client, i must explicitly delete the context of it 
and the client itself to free the memory it is using. ie. a class with 
the ctx = SSL.Context, conn = SSL.Connection attributes is not removed 
from memory, if i do not delete the conn.ctx and the conn attributes. i 
was testing it with a simple loop that just created a thousand 
connection objects without connecting them to anywhere, and it used up 
about 20 megabytes of memory. besides that, there is another problem i 
could not work around, which arises at the server side of an SSL 
connection. using the simple server in the examples directory of the 
package, a thousand clients connecting, sending some data and then 
disconnecting also made the server to use significantly more memory than 
the amount it was using at the startup. is it a problem with me doing 
something evil, or is it a problem in pyOpenSSL or even in OpenSSL? in 
the first case what the heck am i doing wrong? the environment is Red 
Hat linux 8.0, OpenSSL 0.9.6h, pyOpenSSL 0.5.1, Python 2.2.2.

thanks, zoltan

ps: sorry for the poor english
ps2: if i was not clear/understandable, or the subject needs more 
testing/whatever, i have the time and willingness...

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