[PyOP] Last class at UCSC for 2011

Marilyn Davis marilyn at pythontrainer.com
Thu Dec 1 06:35:12 CET 2011


9-5 Mon-Thurs Dec 5 - 8, we're offering a Python class for seasoned
programmers at UCSC-Extension in Santa Clara, right across 101 from the
Great America sign.


The class will low-pressure, but fast-paced, where students learn and
practice core concepts and Pythonic thinking.

University credit is given for the course.

Bring your laptop, or use our spiffy machines.

This lab course is hands-on.  After each short lecture, students are given
lab time and exercises that provide practice with the new concepts.  Next,
a new material set is distributed which contains solutions to the lab
exercises and notes for the next short lecture, and the next set of lab
exercises.  Questions are always welcome; discussion and pair-programming
are encouraged.


Please come, and send students!

Marilyn Davis, Ph.D.

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