[Pygui] Window Always Starts Behind Others

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Mon Mar 28 23:03:54 CEST 2011

Mark Melvin wrote:

> I was indeed launching as a console app, and I even had "console" in my 
> py2exe setup.  I've changed to using the 'windows' version of the 
> launcher and it seems to have fixed the issue of the GUI launching 
> behind almost every other window and being hidden from view entirely. 
>  However, it still pops up behind the console window I launch it from, 
> and the py2exe'd executable version of the application pops up behind 
> the Windows Explorer window from which I launched it.
> I checked a py2exe'd app I wrote that uses wxPython, and it always pops 
> up on top when launched.  Could there be a small issue on Windows with 
> this in PyGUI?

It's very possible, but I'm not enough of a Windows guru to know
what to do about it.

I'll send this to the python-win32 list to see if anyone there
has any ideas.


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