[Pygui] PyGUI Mailing List?

Greg Ewing greg.ewing at canterbury.ac.nz
Tue Feb 8 21:47:00 CET 2011

Mark Melvin wrote:

> 1) I was wondering if anyone has done any work to create the equivalent 
> of a combo box or list box

Not that I know of. This seems to be a Frequently Requested Feature
though, so I'll try to do something about it soon.

> 2) I am having trouble with Menus.  I would like to get rid of the main 
> system menus so I have set the main application "menus" property to an 
> empty list.  This works to get rid of the main menus, but when I assign 
> a new menu list to either the application or my main window, I see the 
> menu item, and the key bindings seem to work, but clicking on the menu 
> does not call the method.

Hard to tell what's going on there. If you can send me an example I'll
try to find out what's wrong.

>  And I can't seem to figure out how to exit 
> the application programmatically.  If I override the application's menus 
> property, the "quit_cmd" doesn't seem to work anymore.

I don't know about that one either. Calling the application's quit_cmd()
method directly should work regardless of the condition of the menus.

> 3) I am having trouble py2exe'ing my application.  We a bare-bones 
> setup.py, my resulting .exe will not run because it fails to locate 
> GUI.Resources.  I ended up adding "packages" : ["GUI"] to my py2exe 
> options,

Yes, you have to do that at the moment, sorry, because py2exe can't
follow the dynamic way that PyGUI locates its platform-dependent
modules. I'm thinking about ways to improve the situation, but it's
not easy.

> now when I run it I get an exception dialog from the Microsoft Visual 
> C++ runtime saying that the application requested the Runtime to 
> terminate in an unusual way.

Not sure what that means. Sounds like there might be a bug in pywin32
or some other dll. It doesn't sound like the sort of thing you should
be able to provoke by a mistake in Python coding. Can you find out
anything about how far it's getting before crashing?


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