[Pygui] PyGUI under Snow Leopard?

Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen danchr at gmail.com
Sat Jan 9 09:07:43 CET 2010

On 9 Jan 2010, at 00:14, Sidney Markowitz wrote:

> Is PyGUI supposed to work in Snow Leopard or does something have to be changed before it can work with a newer version of PyObjC? Is there a way to get the existing version of PyGUI running in one of my configurations?

Indeed, PyGUI doesn't work on Snow Leopard. I fixed this in my Mercurial mirror of PyGUI in changeset 76daab77c864,[1] also attached below.

[1] https://bitbucket.org/danchr/pygui/changeset/76daab77c864/


Dan Villiom Podlaski Christiansen
danchr at gmail.com

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