[Pygui] Show_text only appearing in last widget

Colin Brown baykiwi at gmail.com
Mon Dec 13 09:36:45 CET 2010

Greg Ewing wrote:

 > You need a canvas.newpath() call before drawing the rect. Otherwise
 > you're building up a single path that includes all the previous
 > rects and draws over the text you've written before.
Oh! The Canvas.html help document under Current Path says
"Once constructed, a path can be used in the following ways:
It can be stroked with the current pen colour and size using the  
stroke method.
It can be filled with the current fill colour using the fill method.
It can be both filled and stroked using the fill_stroke method.
It can be erased with the current background colour using the erase  
It can be used to restrict the current clipping region (see below)  
using the clip method.
After a path has been used by one of these methods, it is  
automatically cleared."
I had thought that the fill_stroke would have cleared the path?
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