[pydotorg-www] ShowMeDo links now show hijacked porn site

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Jan 3 09:54:01 EST 2024

There was an email to webmaster that reported a page where the links 
went someplace... unexpected.  Noah fixed that on the website, but this 
sounded familiar so did a little prospecting - this previously came up 
for the IntegratedDevelopmentEnvironments wiki page, which now points to 
a placeholder page noting the demise of that site.

Doing a search for ShowMeDo in page text on the wiki shows there are 
quite a few other hits:

AdvocacyAccomplishments . . . 25 matches
PythonTraining . . . 8 matches
PythonEditors . . . 8 matches
GermanLanguage . . . 4 matches
PythonWebsite/Learning/Top . . . 2 matches
DistributionUtilities . . . 2 matches
PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2010 . . . 1 match
PythonSoftwareFoundation/BoardCandidates2009 . . . 1 match

Noting this here for informational purposes.  I'll try to get around to 
cleaning these up, but if someone else feels motivated to jump in, I 
won't be able to do anything for a while yet...

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