[pydotorg-www] becoming a wiki editor

Matt O matt.osborn512 at gmail.com
Sat Jul 22 00:07:25 EDT 2023


I noticed a broken link on the wiki - it is a link on the Python Software
Foundation License FAQ, linking to a copy of the PSFL on the on the Open
Source Initiative's website.

I am happy to fix it if given editing privileges.

>From doing a quick search on OSI it looks like the problem is that they
don't have that specific license listed on their site anymore. I can remove
the link, or find an alternative site that hosts the license and is

Regardless, I look forward to helping with the wiki. I am a long time
Python user and I have been looking for ways to contribute to Python
recently anyway. Helping with the wiki seems like a great place to start.


-Matt Osborn
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