[pydotorg-www] Editing pages

Vikash Kumar vikash.kumar at tatvasoft.com
Wed Aug 24 04:34:13 EDT 2022

Hi Python team,


Hope you're doing great. My name is Vikash Kumar working in a software
development company - TatvaSoft. Actually, I'm here with a request to add me
to the EditorsGroup, I thought probably TatvaSoft could become a part of it
too as we focus on Python Development since 2009 and have vast experience in
this technology.


Here's my wiki name - vikashkumar.


Do you think we'd be a good fit? I hope that you will accept me as one of
your page editors.


I am looking forward to your response.


Vikash Kumar | Digital Marketing Manager 
TatvaSoft CMMI Maturity level 3 




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