[pydotorg-www] Documentation Tools: pdoc

Maximilian Hils python at maximilianhils.com
Mon Feb 1 10:26:20 EST 2021

Hi all,

I am the current maintainer of the pdoc project, a Python API
documentation tool. We are in the unfortunate situation that we have a
hostile fork which likes to assume our name while associating itself
with Nazi symbols [1][2]. To cut a long story short, the documentation
tools page in the Python wiki has been repeatedly edited in favor of
this "pdoc3" fork, presumably by its author [3]. This behavior has
already been flagged on the mailing list by others before [4].

As the maintainer of the original pdoc project [5], I feel that the
current wiki entry does not portray pdoc and pdoc3 correctly. The
original project is very much active and maintained again, and many of
the touted benefits of the fork are present in the original software
as well. Speaking in personal capacity: I don't want to presume to
make that judgement, but I feel the Python wiki does not need to
promote projects that are offensive in a number of ways.

Given that I'm not an independent party in this conflict, I would like
to request some guidance on what would be the right thing to do. I
would be happy to update the wiki page myself (ideally with someone
neutral reading over it afterwards), but I'm also open to someone else
in the community making a judgement call.


[1] https://github.com/pdoc3/pdoc/issues/64
[2] https://github.com/mitmproxy/pdoc/issues/182#issuecomment-478277217
[3] https://wiki.python.org/moin/DocumentationTools?action=info, user JaraKaca
[4] https://mail.python.org/pipermail/pydotorg-www/2019-May/005039.html
[5] https://pdoc.dev/

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