[pydotorg-www] python2 EoL wiki "Python2orPython3"

Matt Callaghan Matt.Callaghan at bsmtechnologies.com
Tue May 21 14:44:29 EDT 2019

Good day,


We may want to edit this page: https://wiki.python.org/moin/Python2orPython3

To denote the reality of: https://pythonclock.org/
(Jan2020 Python2 EoL)

Thank you


Matt Callaghan | Senior QA System Engineer | bsmtechnologies

c:  +1 (226) 339-8515

e: Matt.Callaghan at bsmtechnologies.com
w: <http://www.bsmtechnologies.com/> www.bsmtechnologies.com<http://www.bsmtechnologies.com/>
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