[pydotorg-www] Code of Conduct for wiki usage?

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Sat May 4 13:00:04 EDT 2019

> For the CoC issue, and if it does or does not violate the CoC, I think you
> should fire this off to psf at python.org.  This is where I don't like
> intentionally vague guidelines.  Yes, they stop schoolkid rule lawyering,
> but it does mean we depend on adjudicators quite a bit.

There's never been anything easy about preventing abuse, every approach
has its problems - as a large number of problems have found out over the
past few years as it seems to have gotten more popular to complain about
bad actors (we always _used_ to say "don't feed the trolls", I think
it's become more recognized that approach is not really sufficient).

in any case, if we believe wiki contributions are covered by the CoC I
believe the wiki should say so explicitly. As Chris noted in starting
this iteration of the thread, it doesn't.  The front page doesn't, the
editing guidelines has some bullets but doesn't reference the CoC by
name.  Editors ought to be told...

Also while I agree a CoC should not be too specific, I really think this
one is too non-specific, as it doesn't say you have to follow it.

"When you're working with members of the community, we encourage you to
follow these guidelines"

That's a PSF matter, of course, but just sayin'....

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