[pydotorg-www] [Webmaster] 504 when creating account on Wiki

Mats Wichmann mats at wichmann.us
Wed Oct 31 11:15:02 EDT 2018

On 10/31/18 8:53 AM, Alex Garel wrote:

>> I just tried from here and got the same timeout... the UbuntuOne page it
>> pops to (I thought UbuntuOne was dead? or was it just some part of it?)
>> is fine, but then you say okay, the browser status line says it's
>> waiting for wiki.python.org, and eventually I get the timeout screen.
> I don't think the problem is with OpenID or login, I think that account
> creation is broken (and OpenID fails because of that only).
> I just tried now (14:49 UTC) to create an account *the standard way*
> [1], and registration form ends with "504".

well, I have an account, and have openid already set up on it (has
worked in the past), so account creation problem doesn't seem quite
what's happening to me.

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