[pydotorg-www] Adding a Python Training

Dörfler, Günter Guenter.Doerfler at netquest.de
Fri Nov 2 03:22:37 EDT 2018

Dear Sir or Madam,

we are a German company that offers IT training as well as technical support and consultancy for Python. I would like to ask if you can allow use to add our Trainings to the Python Wiki - https://wiki.python.org/moin/PythonTraining

Wiki User:           smlaninfo
Our URL:             https://www.smlan.de/seminarthemen/alle/python

Thanks for your help an best wishes,


Mit freundlichen Grüßen
Günter Dörfler
IT Trainer & Consultant

NetQuest GmbH
Im Assing 15
91097 Oberreichenbach

Tel.:       +49 (0)9104 8625 0
Fax:       +49 (0)9104 8625 1
E-Mail:    guenter.doerfler at netquest.de<mailto:guenter.doerfler at netquest.de>
Internet: www.netquest.de<>

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