[pydotorg-www] Edit Python Listing

Jody Nelson jodyn at traininghott.com
Thu Dec 20 12:00:54 EST 2018


I am trying to edit our listing on:


We need to change our company name, as that has changed recently and the duration of the python courses as well:

Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. (HOTT) offers a 5-day Python Programming<http://www.traininghott.com/Courses/Python-Programming-Course.htm> course that teaches students how to rapidly develop and maintain effective Python programs. The course includes thorough coverage of Python syntax, built in data types and control constructs. Attendees will learn how to use Python to create scripts that manipulate data, automate tasks, perform error handling and store and retrieve data by using relational databases and XML files. Hands On Technology Transfer, Inc. (HOTT) offers competency-based IT training programs in more than 75 cities across the United States<http://www.traininghott.com/Course-Schedules.htm>, Canada<http://www.traininghott.ca/> and the United Kingdom<http://www.traininghott.co.uk/>, covering over 60 IT subject areas<http://www.traininghott.com/Courses.htm>. These programs are designed with one main goal - making sure you and your staff will be competent and productive.


Jody Nelson
jodyn at traininghott.com

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