[pydotorg-www] Permission to edit PythonBooks wiki page

dibya dibyachakravorty at gmail.com
Sat Nov 11 09:28:15 EST 2017


My name is Dibya and I created and maintain https://pythonbooks.org/. It
features a categorized and ranked list of Python books. The site is updated
every month to include newly published books and reflect new rankings. You
can see the discussion about the site on reddit
another discussion on reddit
and on HN <https://news.ycombinator.com/item?id=14769317>.

The Wiki page PythonBooks provided inspiration for making this site. I
noticed that the lists featured in the wiki are ordered by publication
date. I thought users might benefit from popularity based ranking as this
helps to quickly find the best books. I implemented this in
https://pythonbooks.org/. Also a lot of work was put in to categorize
Python books on specializations (ML, GUI etc) and the website currently has
23 categories in total (still growing).

I have received emails from Python users around the world who have
benefited from the site's ranking and categorization. However, while the
popularity of the website on reddit and HN has given it a strong start, I
believe that there are still a lot of people who don't know about it.

Since the PythonBooks wiki is the gateway for a lot of people for finding
Python books, I thought that a link to the website on the PythonBooks wiki
page might give the website the required exposure and help users who are
looking to find popular Python books in different categories.

Please take a look at the site. If you think that the website fulfills your
standards, I would like to ask for permission to edit the PythonBooks wiki
page such that I can add the link in the section "External sources of

My username on the Python Wiki is DibyaChakravorty.

I remain grateful and committed to the Python language and community.

Thank you,
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