[pydotorg-www] Steering search engines and users away from 3.0/3.1 docs?

Skip Montanaro skip.montanaro at gmail.com
Mon Oct 31 14:42:19 EDT 2016

Not quite sure where this should go, so I'll start here.

I needed to look up a bit more information about the timeit module than I
happened to be carrying around in my noggin just now, so I asked Google to
tell me about "Python timeit". The first three hits were:


The first and third hits are fine. The second, not so much. At this point,
I think any and all links directly into the 3.0 (and maybe 3.1)
documentation should perhaps redirect to the supported
https://docs.python.org/3 pages, at least unless URLs carry some sort of
"yes-damnit!" parameter. Maybe the robots.txt file should "disallow"
traversal of the /3.0 and /3.1 trees as well.

Just a couple thoughts...

Skip Montanaro
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