[pydotorg-www] Do not recommend Learn Python The Hard Way to new programmers in the wiki

Antti Haapala antti at haapala.name
Fri Sep 11 22:14:30 CEST 2015

Hi list,

The wiki page at
https://wiki.python.org/moin/BeginnersGuide/NonProgrammers quite
prominently recommends Learn Python The Hard Way as a newbie friendly
material. However, despite being in edition 3 already, I found the
book being of questionable quality, and not really good learning
materials for anyone.

If you're not familiar with this book, just go to
http://learnpythonthehardway.org/book/ex0.html and read the text
around mentions of "Python 3" on the page to sample the author's tone
throughout the book.

We at Stack Overflow Python chat compiled a non-exhaustive list of
complaints after a short glimpse; the complaints list is available at
http://sopython.com/wiki/LPTHW_Complaints . We have also noticed that
out of all books available there, the LPTHW raises most questions on
Stack Overflow, and confuses newcomers. Yet, one reason why it is
popular among the newcomers is that it is mentioned in the official
Python Wiki as being a good resource for non-programmers.

Actually I'd want the whole mention be removed, but I do not have wiki
editing rights.

Let the discussion begin...

Antti Haapala

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