[pydotorg-www] Intended edits to Web Frameworks page.

Aaron Meier webgovernor at gmail.com
Fri Nov 6 22:26:00 EST 2015

Hello all,

I'd like to add the Falcon and Pycnic web frameworks.

Falcon (http://falconframework.org) is a fairly fast (Cython optimizations)
and cleanly written micro-framework. It strikes a nice middle ground
between Flask and raw-wsgi.

Pycnic (http://pycnic.nullism.com) is a wsgi framework optimized for JSON
APIs and provides routing/cookies/HTTP. I am not familiar with another JSON
API only web framework at this time.

Both frameworks are open source and (as far as I understand) do not rely on
Paste or a similar foundation -- they appear unique to their respective
markets. They also both support Python 2.7 and 3.

*Disclaimer:* I've written much of the code base for Pycnic and so have a
vested interest; I'm not in any way associated with Falcon. I genuinely
think it would be a service to add these to the very large list of
frameworks as it is currently the most complete page available.

Thank you for your consideration,

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