[pydotorg-www] Edit request on boost.python wiki

Hans Dembinski mail at hansdembinski.online.de
Tue Apr 21 17:37:50 CEST 2015

Dear maintainers of the Python wiki,

please give me access to edit
so that I can update the advice given on how to define raw constructors 

The method described in the wiki is outdated and not elegant, since it 
requires to write a custom C++ header. It fact it is possible to write 
raw_constructors since 10 years now, although the solution is not 
obvious for the non-incarnate. It can be found as part of the tests of 

I would like to add this information to the wiki and a working example 
code, which I tested and commented.

There is no other good source on the web on how to make raw 
constructors, which makes the information on this wiki particularly 

Best regards,

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