[pydotorg-www] Adding books to the Introductory Books page

Mackenzie Dolginow mackenzie at nostarch.com
Thu Apr 16 01:50:48 CEST 2015

Hello, Python wiki managers!

I work for No Starch Press, an independent geek publisher based in SF, and
I was hoping to add a list of our Python books to the Introductory Books
page <https://wiki.python.org/moin/IntroductoryBooks>.

My username is MackenzieDolginow, and the books I would like to add are Python
for Kids <http://www.nostarch.com/pythonforkids>, Automate the Boring Stuff
with Python <http://nostarch.com/automatestuff>, and Teach Your Kids to Code
<http://nostarch.com/teachkids>. As we come out with a few more Python
books in the coming months, I would add those as well.

Please let me know if it would be possible to receive editing privileges!

Thank you,


Mackenzie Dolginow
Sales and Marketing Assistant
No Starch Press
(415) 863-9900 x112
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